ESO Data Course 2024

Check out the links and relevant resources at the bottom of this page


Zoom link for all lectures; pcode 621932

Part I

The following lectures will take place via zoom.

Fri. 05.4

16–16:15 Format and plan of this course; R. Kotak
16:15–17:15 Overview of ground-based facilities; P. Väisänen
17:15–18:00 ESO data reduction pipeline overview; R. Kotak

Mon. 08.4

16–18: Lecture 1; “4MOST overview” A. Finoguenov

Tue. 09.4

16–17: Lecture 1: ALMA ARC / Carmen Toribio

Wed. 10.4

16–18: exercises AF

Thurs. 11.4

16–17: Lecture 2: ALMA ARC / Carmen Toribio

Mon. 15.4

16–18: Lecture 2; “4MOST operational system” A. Finoguenov

Tue. 16.4

16–18: exercises AF

Wed. 17.4

16–18: Basics of scientific writing

Thurs. 18.4

16-18: Introduction to integral field spectrographs, J. Hartke

Fri. 19.4

16–18: Introduction to VLT / XShooter V. Neustroev

Mon. 22.4

16–18: Lecture 3; “4MOST CHANCES survey” A. Finoguenov Cancelled

Tue. 23.4

16-18: Intro. to VST data; M. Poulain

Wed. 24.4

16–18: exercises AF

Part II Hands-on workshop (2 days) May 6-7

Monday 6th: Quantum / Room XVIII Booked from 9-16h

10-12: Exploring MUSE datacubes; Hanin Kuncarayakti, Johanna Hartke
13–(16h): Extracting diagnostics from ALMA data (Carmen Torriba / Talvikki Hovatta)

Tuesday 7th: Quantum / Room 109 Booked from 09-16h

9:30–12: Using VST data; Mélina Poulain
13–(16): Time for residual questions / continue working on datasets

Deadlines for exercises / assignments

There are 5 assessed assignments for this course, these are listed below. Please make sure you follow the following guidelines regarding format: 1) submit pdf files (only) 2) the file name should be your_surname_ assignment name.pdf

Proposal for telescope time (assignment name: “sciprop”)
ALMA (assignment name: “alma”)

For the 2 ALMA exercises, submit by 27th April to (2 pdf files). These will not be formally assessed, but you should complete them prior to assignment that will be set during the May workshop.

Material for ALMA assignment This folder contains all the material you need for the ALMA assignment. Part 1 (see pdf file) will be covered during the hands-on session in May. Parts 2 and 3 form part of the assessed assignment.
This tutorial requires downloading some data and Jupyter notebooks, as well as the installation of CARTA. All data and notebooks can be downloaded from the folder linked above, which includes text files with instructions to run the Jupyter Notebooks and installation instructions for CARTA and python CASA python modules

MUSE (assignment name: “muse”)

MUSE hands-on – notes+assignment

VST (assignment name: “vst”)
4MOST (assignment name: “4most”)

For all other assignments, the deadline is 16h on Friday 31.5.24.
Please send your pdf files to the person indicated above.

Links and Resources

Computing and Software