
■ Contact

If you encounter issues with the software, or want to suggest improvements, please use the issues feature of GitLab where the code is hosted. This way the discussion is publicly available and the discussion history is preserved.

If you want to contact the authors on other matters, use the following email: milica.todorovic@utu.fi

■ License

The software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

■ Funding

This project has received funding from the Academy of Finland under project no. 316601 in the Artificial Intelligence in Physical Sciences and Engineering (AIPSE) programme.

■ Citing BOSS

title={Bayesian inference of atomistic structure in functional materials},
author={Todorovi{\’c}, Milica and Gutmann, Michael U and Corander, Jukka and Rinke, Patrick},
journal={Npj computational materials},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group}