Art in values education
Tatyana Medvedeva,
The Department of Producer Business and Musical Education,
Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University,
Russian Federation
In pedagogical work with young people it is necessary to note the importance and relevance of processes aimed at the formation of values in the construction of patriotic guidelines based on an active civic identity and respect for their culture. In contemporary realities, when stable vectors of social approval are absent and there is a tendency towards the formation of selfish behavior in the younger generation, as well as the desire for virtual communication, as opposed to real, the formation of value orientations of the younger generation is becoming more and more important. Stable value orientations enable a person to consciously approach decision-making in a situation of choice and many alternatives. It is obvious that the psychological feature of the younger generation is a pronounced aesthetic sensitivity associated with the emotional-figurative experience of moral feelings, attitudes and situations. Scientists note the influence of the emotionality of a young person in the process of the formation of a value system. L.S. Vygotsky characterizes emotions as internal filters that determine a person’s external behavior. The scientist proposes to rely on emotional reactions in educational situations, he believes that “if you want to evoke the desired forms of behavior in a student, always make sure that these emotional reactions leave a mark on the student”. According to the theory of “peak experiences” A. Maslow highlights the need for situations that are emotionally brightly colored, while the captured artistic image fills with impressive wealth, forms an adequate emotional response, contributing to the formation of a system of value orientations.
In this pedagogical situation art is most in demand. Experiences in the perception of artistic images are a cementing link in the construction of a picture of the world of a growing personality and civic patriotic convictions. The formation of the skills of future teachers to attract artistic and imaginative means to educational work is the most important direction of their professional training. Under this provision, we consider the process of forming patriotic values by means of perceiving musical and geographical images to be effective.
While forming patriotic values the socio-pedagogical approach is the most adequate, since it is a process of socialization and development of the individual as a subject of life, taking place in the context of social and cultural changes in a situation of cooperation, co-creation of a teacher and a student, in which the exchange of personal meanings is realized , which provides freedom of choice of actions.
Russian musical art, represented in vast geographic space, is characterized by an emotional and stylistic unity, which is reflected in the listener’s perception of native music and in the patriotic influence of musical streams. The term “musical and geographical images” is a rather innovative concept in pedagogical science. It is necessary to pay attention to the educational potential of the process of perceiving musical and geographical images while forming the patriotic basis in the younger generation.
The use of pedagogical art technologies makes it possible to imbue with the nature of the work, interpret and accept the personal meaning of the images presented.
The reliance on these methods allows children and adolescents to develop an artistic interest in the images of civil patriotic art, and in the future, to form the values of a citizen, a patriot. An equally important task is to assess the artistic and creative activity of students and their ability to emotionally value, artistic and imaginative perception of works.
The content components of the system of the socio-pedagogical approach are determined by ideas, which are the basic provisions for the perception and study of educational objects, within the framework of musical geography, in turn, various interrelationships that are formed between music, space and society are explored.
Today, more and more attention is paid to the formation of patriotic values of youth, which is associated with overcoming the crisis of values. In educational institutions, conditions for the development and self-realization of students are created, the humanization of the educational process is carried out, a complex of federal programs focused on the formation of a moral, harmoniously developed personality is implemented, which is also carried out in the direction of civil-patriotic and cultural-moral education.
Expert article 3006
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