Marking of goods and the Eurasian common market

Ruslan Mustakimovich Shafiev,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, State Counselor Civil Service of the Russian Federation 1 class,
Russian Customs Academy,

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Golubtsova,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation,
Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanova,

Denis Alekseevich Maksimov,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics,
Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanova,

In conditions of increasing international competition, it is increasingly obvious for the entire post-Soviet space that it is necessary to form a single market for goods and services of the EAEC. This process can contribute to the elements of the community, connecting the states of the Eurasian zone (natural, technological, labor, intellectual resources, production cooperation, joint use of transport communications).

In this regard, the problem of marking goods in the Eurasian Economic Union is very relevant.

The introduction of marking of commodity groups will be carried out in a notification procedure and with its implementation in one member state of the EAEC, and when distributed throughout the whole territory of the EAEC. That is, each state must first notify other members of the EEA of plans to introduce on its territory the marking of a group of goods to consider the possibility of other countries joining the control system. In addition, the possibility of any country to initiate the introduction of such a measure throughout the entire territory of the EAEC is envisaged. The final decision is taken collectively.

In the Russian Federation, a pilot project for the labeling of fur products has been implemented since August 12, 2016, has already shown good results. The state system of marking of goods is realized using radio frequency identification. All participants are connected to the system: from the manufacturer to the retailers. For non-compliance with the established procedure, administrative and criminal liability is provided. Thus, information about the goods at the stage of production or importation into the country falls into the marking system, where it is possible to track and further movement of the product.

The information obtained not only helps the tax authorities to monitor the completeness and correctness of calculating and paying taxes to the budget, but also allows buyers to verify the authenticity of the goods through a regular smartphone.

The free mobile app “Verification of product labeling” allows anyone to get complete information about the product by reading the QR code. If the product data is not available or it does not correspond to the product being checked, it is possible to send a violation message directly from the application. The information goes to the control and supervisory authorities, which will conduct the proceedings.

The Russian Tax Service has integrated the marking system with the information system of customs authorities, since there are about 640 registered importers.

With the expansion of the tracking system of goods to the borders of the entire EEA, as well as the inclusion of new product groups in it, the costs of the operator will increase many-fold. This circumstance led to the need to transfer this function to another organization on the rights of public-private partnership in the future. While this company since January 15, 2018 administers the system of marking of tobacco products. From June 1, 2018, it is planned to identify the movement in the territory of the Russian Federation of the following commodity group – footwear. At the level of the EAPS, it is intended to begin marking with shoes, medicines and jewelry.

Universal coverage of goods by marking in the EAES will allow:

  • to protect the population from the acquisition of poor-quality, falsified and counterfeit goods;
  • Strengthen state control over the turnover of goods, which will increase tax revenues to the budget without changing the tax legislation in terms of raising rates and introducing new taxes.

In addition, these steps will allow us to move from the existing format of bilateral mechanisms for regulating commodity flows between the EEA member countries to the creation of a multilateral mechanism for free trade in goods and services, which will certainly ensure the formation of a common market throughout the Eurasian economic space.

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