CIDS Event: Sustainable global economy (8.12.2022)

Sustainable global economy – new ways of organizing for social progress

December 8, 2022, University of Turku (Turku School of Economics, Osuuskauppa-auditorium)

Multi-disciplinary one day conference on advancing ethical and sustainable global economy and the role of law in it.


09:00 Opening – Humane natural technologies for a better world

09:15 Ethical transformation, Maija-Riitta Ollila (Turku School of Economics)

10:00 Social progress and informal/formal economy, Ravi Kanbur (University of Cornell)

11:00 Nature 2.0, Andrea Leiter (University of Amsterdam)

11:45 Lunch

12:30 Future contracting: DAOs and the potential of participatory normativity, Matilda Arvidsson (University of Gothenburg)

13:15 North-South Regenerative Finance and entrepreneurship, Philip Berntsen (University of Zurich,

14:00 Context of DAO’s as entities in the blockchain metaverse, Elias Ahonen (University of Turku, Cointelegrapgh)

15:00 Concluding remarks

Hosted by Jari Ala-Ruona @jalaruon and Elias Ahonen @eahonen