
Doctoral thesis

Mustonen P. Associations of maternal prenatal hair cortisol with maternal and child distress symptoms – The FinnBrain birth cohort study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1811, medica-odontologica, Turku 2024.

Lahtela H. The Role of Mother-infant Interaction and Maternal Psychological Distress on Child’s Early Social-emotional Development. The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja -ser. B osa – tom. 682, humaniora, Turku 2024.

Hashempour N. Child brain development: exploring prenatal impacts and emotional perception through advanced neuroimaging – Findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort MRI Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja -ser. D osa – tom. 1815, medica-odontologica, Turku 2024.

Eskola E. Affect-Biased Attention and Social-Emotional Functioning during Early Childhood: The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. B osa – tom. 664, humaniora, Turku 2024.

Kumpulainen V. Brain white matter development, assocations to maternal perinatal psychological distress and emotional attention at the age of 5 years. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1781, medica-odontologica, Turku 2024.

Li R. The role of alexithymic traits in shaping mental health in the context of parental bonding and COVID-19 pandemic: FinnBrain birth cohort study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1765, medica-odontologica, Turku 2023.

Silver E. Mapping cortical brain development, early life exposures and neural correlates of language skills: findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1736, medica-odontologica, Turku 2023.

Pulli E. Prenatal maternal health and child brain structure: Implications for non-verbal ability and optimizing subcortical segmentation. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1743, medica-odontologica, Turku 2023.

Holmberg E. Unpredictability of maternal sensory signals: entropy as a novel metric of caregiving behavior. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. B-osa – tom. 627, humaniora, Turku 2023.

Ahrnberg H. Alexithymic traits and early parenting – parental reflective functioning, postpartum bonding and caregiving behaviour: FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1671, medica-odontologica, Turku 2022.

Nordenswan E. The interplay between maternal executive functioning and psychological risk factors in the context of early caregiving behavior: Findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Åbo Akademi University, Turku 2022.

Kortesluoma S. The role of maternal prenatal distress in the development and functioning of the infant cortisol stress response. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1606, medica-odontologica, Turku 2021.

Kotimäki S. Mechanisms in health and socioeconomic wellbeing – The role of parental resources, early-life experiences, and their accumulation. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. B osa – tom. 567, humaniora, Turku 2021.

Hagqvist O. Adult dental anxiety in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study – changes and relations to psychological well-being. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1589, medica-odontologica, Turku 2021.

Karlsson L. Psychological factors associated with vaccine attitudes and vaccination behaviors. Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Åbo Akademi University, Turku 2021.

Jussila H. Prenatal psychological distress and parenting in the context of tobacco and substance use disorders: How to break the chain of adversity? Turun yliopiston julkaisuja , sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1559, medica-odontologica, Turku 2021.

Tervahartiala K. Early childhood stress regulation in out-of-home childcare and in at-home parental care – Associations with child temperament and age – The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja , sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1549, medica-odontologica, Turku 2021.

Aatsinki A-K. Maternal prenatal stress, infant microbiota, brain, and behavioral development: The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja , sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1531, medica-odontologica, Turku 2021.

Lehtola S. Newborn brain structural characteristics and their relationships with maternal prenatal distress : Findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort MRI Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1519, medica-odontologica, Turku 2020.

Pietikäinen J. Sleeping problems during pregnancy, parental perinatal depressive symptoms and children’s emotional problems: Findings from the Child-Sleep and FinnBrain birth cohorts. Helsingin yliopisto, Dissertationes Scholae Doctoralis Ad Sanitatem Investigandam Universitatis Helsinkiensis – URN:ISSN:2342-317X, 2020.

Korhonen L. Prenatal stress, genetic variations and recurrent respiratory tract infections – the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1487, medica-odontologica, Turku 2020.

Kajanoja J. Alexithymic traits, mental and physical health, and early-life adversity – FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1453, medica-odontologica, Turku 2019.

Maria A. Emotional speech and affective touch processing in children less than 2 years of age. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1421, medica-odontologica, Turku 2019.​​

Kataja E-L. The​ role of maternal depressive and anxiety symptoms in maternal cognitive processing during pregnancy and infant attentional processing of emotional faces at the age of eight months – the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. B-osa – tom. 464, humaniora, Turku 2018.

Nolvi S. The role of early life stress in shaping infant fear reactivity and executive functioning – findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja – ser. D osa – tom. 1316, medica-odontologica, Turku 2017.

Year 2025

Luotonen S., Railo H, Acosta H, Huotilainen M, Lavonius M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H and Tuulari J.J. (2025), Gestational Duration and Postnatal Age-Related Changes in Aperiodic and Periodic Parameters in Neonatal and Toddler Electroencephalogram (EEG). Hum Brain Mapp, 46: e70130.

Ollas-Skogster, D., Korja, R., Yada, A., Mainela-Arnold, E., Karlsson, H., Bridgett, D.J., Rautakoski, P., Karlsson, L. and Nolvi, S. (2025), Maternal Emotional Availability Supports Child Communicative Development Regardless of Child Temperament—Findings From the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Infancy, 30: e12649.

Rosberg A, Merisaari H, Lewis J.D, Hashempour N, Lukkarinen M, Rasmussen J.M, Scheinin N, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari J. Associations between maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and mean diffusivity of the hippocampus and amygdala in infants. Int J Obes (2025).

Tuulari J.J., Bourgery M, Iversen J, Koefoed T.G., Ahonen A, Ahmedani A, Kataja E-L, Karlsson L, Barres R, Karlsson H, Kotaja N. Exposure to childhood maltreatment is associated with specific epigenetic patterns in sperm. Mol Psychiatry (2025).

Year 2024

Aukia L, Paavonen E.J, Karlsson L, Pelto J, Perasto L, Karlsson H, Polo-Kantola P. Sleep duration and sleep loss during pregnancy: a longitudinal FinnBrain birth cohort study. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2024 Sep 20.

Bano W, Pulli E, Cantonas L, Sorsa A, Hämäläinen J, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Saukko E, Sainio T, Peuna A, Korja R, Aro M, Leppänen P, Tuulari J, Merisaari H. Implementing ABCD studyⓇ MRI sequences for multi-site cohort studies: Practical guide to necessary steps, preprocessing methods, and challenges. MethodsX. Volume 12,2024.

Huizink AC, Lammassaari D, Nolvi S, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Kataja EL. Antecedents of maternal pregnancy-related anxiety trajectories: The FinnBrain birth cohort study. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2024 Feb 18.
doi: 10.1111/acps.13671.

Korja R, Nolvi S, Scheinin NM, Tervahartiala K, Carter A, Karlsson H, Kataja EL, Karlsson L. Trajectories of maternal depressive and anxiety symptoms and child’s socio-emotional outcome during early childhood. J Affect Disord. 2024 Jan 4.

Lahtela, H., Flykt, M., Nolvi, S. et al. Mother–Infant Interaction and Maternal Postnatal Psychological Distress Associate with Child’s Social-Emotional Development During Early Childhood: A FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2024.

Lahti S, Kataja E-L, Suominen A, Palo K, Ogawa M, Kallio A, Räikkönen O, Pohjola V, Rantavuori K, Karlsson L, et al. Two-Year Trajectories of Dental Anxiety in Parents and Their Association with Parents’ and Children’s Oral Healthcare Procedures in FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Dentistry Journal. 2024; 12(3):72.

Lindblom J, Korja R, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Karukivi M, Pajulo M, & Nolvi S.
Prepandemic to early COVID-19: Changes in couple functioning and links with harsh parenting. Journal of Family Psychology. 2024

Luotola A, Korja R, Leppänen J, Yada A, Eskola E, Häikiö T, Lahtela H, Holmberg E, Nordenswan E, Nolvi S, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Kataja EL. Reciprocal relationships between a child’s engagement with faces and mother-child interaction at 8, 30, and 60 months. Dev Psychol. 2024 Sep 23. Epub ahead of print.

Lähde H, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Perasto L, Varis V, Rinne K, Paavonen EJ, Polo-Kantola P. Sleep disturbances in late pregnancy: associations with induction of labor. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2024 Apr 5. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1007/s00404-024-07492-4

Mondolin V, Karlsson H, Perasto L, Tuulari J, Karlsson L and Kataja,E.-L. (2024) Understanding Resilience in Parents: Longitudinal Examination of Trait Resilience, Stressful Life Events, and Psychological Distress Symptoms—Insights From the FinnBrain Study. Stress and Health e3516.

Mustonen P, Kortesluoma S, Scheinin N, Perasto L, Kataja E-L, Tervahartiala K, Tuulari J, Coimbra B, Carter A, Rodrigues A J, Sousa N, Paavonen E J, Korja R, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Negative associations between maternal prenatal hair cortisol and child socioemotional problems. Psychoneuroendocrinology 162, 2024.

Niskanen A, Barron A, Azaryah H, Kerkelä M, Pulli E, Tuulari J, Lukkarinen M, Karlsson L, Muetzel R.L, Campoy C, Catena A, Tiemeier H, Khandaker G.M, Karlsson H Veijola J, Björnholm L.
Sex-specific associations between maternal prenatal inflammation and offspring cortical
morphology in youth: A harmonised study across four birth cohorts.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2024.

Nordenswan E, Deater-Deckard K, Kataja EL, Karrasch M, Laine M, Pelto J, Holmberg E, Lahtela H, Ahrnberg H, Kajanoja J, Karukivi M, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Maternal alexithymia and caregiving behavior: the role of executive functioning – A FinnBrain Birth Cohort study. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2024 Nov 5. Epub ahead of print.

Puosi E, Karlsson H, Lukkarinen H,Karlsson L, Lukkarinen M. Paternal adverse childhoodexperiences are associated with a low risk of atopy in theoffspring. Acta Paediatr. 2024;00:1–14.

Rosberg, A., Merisaari, H., Lewis, J.D. et al. Associations between maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and infant striatal mean diffusivity. BMC Med 22, 140, 2024.

Saloranta E, Yada A, McCauley S, Yli-Savola A, Savo S, Renvall K, Eskola E, Fenandes M, Korja R, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Mainela-Arnold E. Latent profiles of early language development in a large Finnish-speaking sample of the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. PREPRINT.

Seppänen S, Vuorenmaa K, Suominen A, Ogawa M, Pohjola V, Rantavuori K, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Lahti S. Concordance of Fathers and Mothers in the Assessment of Their 5-Year-Old Child’s Dental Fear. Dentistry Journal. 2024; 12(3):53.

Shekhar S, Hirvi P, Maria A, Kotilahti K, Tuulari J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Nissilä I.
Maternal prenatal depressive symptoms and child brain responses to affective touch at two years of age,
Journal of Affective Disorders. 2024.

Soveri A, Karlsson L C, Mäki K O, Holford D, Fasce A,Schmid P, Antfolk J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karukivi M, Lindfelt M, Lewandowsky S. Trait reactance as psychological motivation to reject vaccination: Two longitudinal studies and one experimental study. Applied Psychology:Health and Well-Being,16(2), 597–614.

Yang L, Suominen A, Palo K, Kataja E-L, Pohjola V, Ogawa M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Laakkonen E, Lahti S. Association Between the Two-Year Trajectories of Dental Anxiety and the Changes in the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Parents of FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Dent. J. 2024, 12, 398.

Year 2023

Acosta H, Kantojärvi K, Tuulari JJ, Lewis JD, Hashempour N, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Nolvi S, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Evans AC, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saunavaara J, Merisaari H, Karlsson L, Paunio T, Karlsson H. Association of cumulative prenatal adversity with infant subcortical structure volumes and child problem behavior and its moderation by a coexpression polygenic risk score of the serotonin system.
Dev Psychopathol. 2023 Apr 3:1-16.

Aran Ö, Swales D, Bailey N, Korja R, Holmberg E, Eskola E, Nolvi S, Perasto L,  Nordenswan E, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Sandman C, Stern H, Baram T, Glynn L, Poggi Davis.
Across ages and places: Unpredictability of maternal sensory signals and child internalizing behaviors.
Journal of Affective Disorders. Volume 347.

Eskola E, Kataja EL, Hyönä J, Hakanen H, Nolvi S, Häikiö T, Pelto J, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Lower maternal emotional availability is related to increased attention toward fearful faces during infancy. Infant Behav Dev. 2023 Nov 16;74:101900.

Eskola E, Kataja EL, Hyönä J, Nolvi S, Häikiö T, Carter AS, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Higher attention bias for fear at 8 months of age is associated with better socioemotional competencies during toddlerhood. Infant Behav Dev. 2023 Mar 28;71:101838.

Eskola E, Kataja EL, Pelto J, Tuulari JJ, Hyönä J, Häikiö T, Hessels RS, Holmberg E, Nordenswan E, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Attention biases for emotional facial expressions during a free viewing task increase between 2.5 and 5 years of age. Dev Psychol. 2023 Sep 21.
doi: 10.1037/dev0001598.

Hashempour N, Tuulari JJ, Merisaari H, Acosta H, Lewis JD, Pelto J, Scheinin NM, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Lehtola SJ, Saunavaara J, Lähdesmäki T, Parkkola R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Prenatal maternal depressive symptoms are associated with neonatal left amygdala microstructure in a sex-dependent way. Eur J Neurosci. 2023 Apr 11. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15989.

Huovinen V, Aatsinki AK, Kataja EL, Munukka E, Keskitalo A, Lamichhane S, Raunioniemi P, Bridgett DJ, Lahti L, O’Mahony SM, Dickens A, Korja R, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karlsson L. Infant gut microbiota and negative and fear reactivity. Dev Psychopathol. 2023 Nov 17:1-16.

Kallio, ASuominen, ATolvanen, M, et al. Concurrent changes in dental anxiety and smoking in parents of the FinnBrain Birth Cohort StudyEur J Oral Sci2023;e12912.

Karonen, A., Kataja, E-L., Bridgett, D. J., Paunio, T., Kantojärvi, K., Korja, R., Karlsson, H., Karlsson, L., & Nolvi, S. Maternal Executive Functioning is Associated with Infant Sustained Attention, but not Executive Functioning, in a Sex-Specific Manner. Nordic Psychology. 2023 Mar 23

Korhonen L, Nolvi S, Peltola V, Lukkarinen M, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Investigating the role of relationship satisfaction and paternal psychological distress during pregnancy on offspring health in early life. BJPsych Open. 2023 May 25. PMID: 37226500.

Korteniemi J,Karlsson L, Aatsinki A. Systematic review: Autismspectrum disorder and the gut microbiota. ActaPsychiatr Scand. 2023;1‐13.

Koskinen M, Aatsinki A, Kortesluoma S, Mustonen P, Munukka E, Lukkarinen M, Perasto L, Keskitalo A, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Hair cortisol, cortisone and DHEA concentrations and the composition of microbiota in toddlers. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2023 August.

Kumpulainen V, Copeland A, Pulli EP, Silver E, Kataja EL, Saukko E, Merisaari H, Lewis JD, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Pre- and postnatal maternal depressive symptoms associate with white matter integrity in 5-year-olds in sex-specific manner. Biol Psychiatry. 2023 May 21

Kumpulainen V, Merisaari H, Silver E, Copeland A, Pulli EP, Lewis JD, Saukko E, Shulist SJ, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Sex differences, asymmetry, and age-related white matter development in infants and 5-year-olds as assessed with tract-based spatial statistics. Hum Brain Mapp. 2023 Mar 22.
doi: 10.1002/hbm.26238.

Lahtela H, Nolvi S, Flykt M, Kataja EL, Eskola E, Pelto J, Bridgett DJ, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Mother-infant interaction and maternal postnatal psychological distress are associated with negative emotional reactivity among infants and toddlers- A FinnBrain Birth Cohort study. Infant Behav Dev. 2023 Jun 5;72

Li R, Kajanoja J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karukivi M (2023)
Longitudinal patterns of alcohol use and psychological symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic and role of alexithymia: A latent transition analysis in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2023, vol. 338

Li R, Kajanoja J, Tuulari JJ, Karlsson L, Karlsson H and Karukivi M (2023) Relationships between alexithymia and food addiction: The Finnish version of Yale Food Addiction Scale and preliminary test of its psychometric properties. Front. Psychol. 14:1067872.

Li, R., Karukivi, M., Lindblom, J. et al. Trajectories of COVID-19 pandemic-related depressive symptoms and potential predictors: the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2023).

Liuhanen J, Kantojärvi K, Acosta H, Pietikäinen JT, Nolvi S, Savukoski M, Kylliäinen A, Pölkki P, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Paavonen EJ, Paunio T. Polygenic risk for neuroticism is associated with externalizing symptoms in 2-year-old boys. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2023 Jan 14:110720.
doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2023.110720.

Lumia I, Tuulari J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Kajanoja J. Ruokariippuvuusoireiden esiintyvyys ja yhteydet psyykkisiin oireisiin FinnBrain syntymäkohortissa. Duodecim. 2023; 139(2):151:7

Lukkarinen M, Kirjavainen PV,Backman K, et al. (2023) Early-life environment and the risk ofeczema at 2 years—Meta- analyses of six Finnish birthcohorts. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2023;34:e13945.

Mariani Wigley IBjörnsdotter MScheinin N, Merisaari HSaunavaara JParkkola RBonichini SMontirosso RKarlsson LKarlsson H, & Tuulari J. (2023). Infants’ sex affects neural responses to affective touch in early infancyDevelopmental Psychobiology65, e22419.

Marr M, Graham A, Feczko E, Nolvi S, Thomas E, Sturgeon D, Schifsky E, Rasmussen J, Gilmore J, Styner M, Entringer S, Wadhwa P, Korja R, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Buss C, Fair D. Maternal Perinatal Stress Trajectories and Negative Affect and Amygdala Development in Offspring. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2023

Mathiasen S, Parsons CE, Fusaroli R, Paavonen EJ, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Maternal depression and anxiety symptoms across pregnancy and the postnatal period: Modest associations between depression symptoms and infant sleep outcomes. Sleep Med. 2023 Oct 12;112:291-300.

Merisaari H, Karlsson L, Scheinin N, Shulist S, Lewis J, Karlsson H, Tuulari J. Effect of number of diffusion encoding directions in neonatal diffusion tensor imaging using tract-based statistical analysis. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2023

Mondolin V, Karlsson H, Tuulari J, Pelto J, Karlsson L, Nordenswan E, Kataja E-L.
Childhood maltreatment, trait resilience and prenatal distress among expecting mothers and fathers in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Journal of Affective Disorders.

Nolvi S, Paavonen E.J., Korja R., Pelto J., Karukivi M., Tuulari J.J., Karlsson H., Karlsson L. Course of Child Social-Emotional and Sleep Symptoms, Parental Distress and Pandemic Related Stressors during COVID-19. Developmental Psychopathology. 2023 Feb 16, 1-15.

Porthan E, Lindberg M, Härkönen J, Scheinin NM, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Ekholm E. Childhood trauma and fear of childbirth: findings from a birth cohort study. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2023 May 27. PMID: 37243781.

Pulli E, Nolvi S, Eskola E, Nordenswan E, Holmberg E, Copeland A, Kumpulainen V, Silver E, Merisaari H, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saukko E, Kataja E-L, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari J. Structural brain correlates of non-verbal cognitive ability in 5-year-old children: findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort study. Human Brain Mapping. 2023

Rasmussen J, Tuulari J, Nolvi S, Thompson P, Merisaari H, Lavonius M, Karlsson L, Entringer S, Wadhwa P, Karlsson H, Buss C. Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index is associated with newborn offspring hypothalamic mean diffusivity: a prospective dual-cohort study. BMC Medicine. 2023:21.
doi: 10.1186/s12916-023-02743-8

Sirkiä C, Laakkonen E, Nordenswan E, Karlsson L, Korja R, Karlsson H,
Kataja E-L. Sense of Coherence, its components and depressive and anxiety symptoms in expecting women and their partners – A FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study, Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (2023)

Soveri A, Karlsson L, Mäki O et al. Trait reactance as psychological motivation to reject vaccination: two longitudinal and one experimental study. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 2023.

Soveri A, Karlsson LC, Antfolk J, Mäki O, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karukivi M, Lindfelt M, Lewandowsky S. Spillover effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on attitudes to influenza and childhood vaccines. BMC Public Health. 2023 Apr 25;23(1):764.

Tervahartiala K, Nolvi S, Kataja E-L, Seppälä M, Autere T, Hakanen H, Karlsson H, Carter A, Karlsson L, Korja R.
(2023): Childcare context and socio-emotional development in toddlers – a quantitative report from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study, Finland, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal

Tervahartiala K, Perasto L, Kortesluoma S, Korja R, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karlsson L.
Latent profile analysis of diurnal cortisol patterns at the ages of 2, 3.5, and 5 years: Associations with childcare setting, child individual characteristics, and maternal distress, Psychoneuroendocrinology,
Volume 156, 2023

Tuulari JJ, Rajasilta O, Cabral J, Kringelbach M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. (2023) Maternal prenatal distress exposure negatively associates with the stability of neonatal frontoparietal network. Stress.

Year 2022

Aatsinki AK, Kataja EL, Munukka E, Lahti L, Keskitalo A, Korja R, Nolvi S, Häikiö T, Tarro S, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Infant fecal microbiota composition and attention to emotional faces. Emotion. 2022, 22(6):1159-1170. doi: 10.1037/emo0000924

Ahrnberg H, Pajulo M, Scheinin NM, Kajanoja J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Karukivi M. Alexithymic traits and parental postpartum bonding: Findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Scandinavian Journal of  Psychology. 2022, 63 (2): 100-108 doi: 10.1111/sjop.12797

Arkkila J, Suominen A, Nolvi S, Rantavuori K, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Lahti S. Associations between temperament dimensions and dental anxiety in parents of the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Eur J Oral Sci. 2022, 130(6):e12897. doi: 10.1111/eos.12897

Bethlehem RAI, et. al.. Brain charts for the human lifespan. Nature. 2022; 604(7906): 525–533. http://DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04554-y

Copeland A, Korja R, Nolvi S, Rajasilta O, Pulli EP, Kumpulainen V, Silver E, Saukko E, Hakanen H, Holmberg E, Kataja EL, Häkkinen S, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Maternal sensitivity at the age of 8 months associates with local connectivity of the medial prefrontal cortex in children at 5 years of age. Frontiers of Neuroscience. 2022, 16:920995-920995. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.920995

Fawcett C, Nordenswan E, Yrttiaho S, Häikiö T, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H & Kataja E-L. Individual differences in pupil dilation to others’ emotional and neutral eyes with varying pupil sizes. Cognition and Emotion. 2022, 36 (5): 928-942. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2022.2073973

Holmberg E, Kataja E-L, Davis E P, Pajulo M, Nolvi S, Lahtela H, Nordenswan E, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Korja R. Unpredictable maternal sensory signals in caregiving behavior are associated with child effortful control. PLoS ONE. 2022, 17(12): e0279384. doi:

Holmberg E, Kataja E-L, Davis E P, Pajulo M, Nolvi S, Hakanen H, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Korja R. The Connection and Development of Unpredictability and Sensitivity in Maternal Care Across Early Childhood. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022, 13: 803047-803047. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.803047

Kajanoja J, Nolvi S, Kantojärvi K, Karlsson L, Paunio T, Karlsson H. Oxytocin receptor genotype moderates the association between maternal prenatal stress and infant early self-regulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2022, 138: 105669-105669. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105669

Karalexi MA, Eberhard-Gran M, Valdimarsdóttir UA, Karlsson H, Munk-Olsen T, Skalkidou A. Perinatal mental health: how nordic data sources have contributed to existing evidence and future avenues to explore. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 2022, 76 (6): 423-432. doi: 10.1080/08039488.2021.1998616

Karlsson H, Lukkarinen M, Korhonen L, Karlsson L, Tuulari J, Kataja E-L. Stressin vaikutus aivoihin ja sairastuvuuteen eri ikäkausina. Duodecim. 2022, 138: 16: 1411-7.

Kataja EL, Eskola E, Pelto J, Korja R, Paija SP, Nolvi S, Häikiö T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Leppänen JM. The stability of early developing attentional bias for faces and fear from 8 to 30 and 60 months in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Developmental Psychology. 2022, 58 (12): 2264. doi: 10.1037/dev0001432

Kemppinen L, Mattila M, Ekholm E, Huolila L, Pelto J, Karlsson H, Mäkikallio K, Karlsson L. Gestational anemia and maternal antenatal and postpartum psychological distress in a prospective FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2022, 22 (1):1-704. doi: 10.1186/s12884-022-05032-z

Kumpulainen V, Merisaari H, Copeland A, Silver E, Pulli EP, Lewis JD, Saukko E, Saunavaara J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Effect of number of diffusion-encoding directions in diffusion metrics of 5-year-olds using tract-based spatial statistical analysis. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2022, Vol.56 (6): 4843-4868.doi: 10.1111/ejn.15785

Kuuri-Riutta S, Ekholm E, Scheinin N, Korhonen L, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. The influence of maternal psychological distress on the mode of birth and duration of labor: findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Archives of Womens Mental Health. 2022, 25 (2): 463-472. doi: 10.1007/s00737-022-01212-0

Lehtola SJ, Tuulari JJ, Karlsson L, Lewis JD, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Parkkola R, Saunavaara J, Hashempour N, Pelto J, Lähdesmäki T, Scheinin NM & Karlsson H. Sex-specific associations between maternal pregnancy-specific anxiety and newborn amygdalar volumes – preliminary findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Stress. 2022, 25(1), 213-226. doi: 10.1080/10253890.2022.2061347

Lewis JD, Acosta H, Tuulari JJ, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Rosberg A, Lidauer K, Ukharova E, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Allometry in the corpus callosum in neonates: Sexual dimorphism. Human Brain Mapping. 2022, 43 (15), p.4609-4619. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25977

Li R, Kajanoja J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Karukivi M. Sex-specific role of alexithymia in associations between parental bonding and mental health: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2022. doi: 10.1002/jclp.23372

Li R, Kajanoja J, Lindblom J, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karukivi M. The role of alexithymia and perceived stress in mental health responses to COVID-19: A conditional process model. J Affect Disord. 2022, 308: 625-625. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.03.024

Lindblom J, Pajulo M, Nolvi S, Tervahartiala K, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Early pathways of maternal mentalization: Associations with child development in the FinnBrain birth cohort study. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022, 13: 855190.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.855190

Lidauer K, Pulli EP, Copeland A, Silver E, Kumpulainen V, Hashempour N, Merisaari H, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saukko E, Nolvi S, Kataja E-L, Karlsson L, Karlsson H & Tuulari JJ. Subcortical brain segmentation in 5-year-old children: validation of FSL-FIRST and FreeSurfer against manual segmentation. bioRxiv. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2022, 56 (5): 4619-4641. http://DOI: 10.1111/ejn.15761

Luotonen S, Railo H, Acosta H, Huotilainen M, Lavonius M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H & Tuulari JJ. Auditory Mismatch Responses to Emotional Stimuli in 3-Year-Olds in Relation to Prenatal Maternal Depression Symptoms. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2022, 16: 868270-868270. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.868270

Maria A, Hirvi P, Kotilahti K, Heiskala J, Tuulari JJ, Karlsson L, Karlsson H & Nissilä I. Imaging affective and non-affective touch processing in two-year-old children. NeuroImage. 2022, 251:118983-118983.

Nolvi S, Merz E C, Kataja E-L, Parsons C. Prenatal Stress and the Developing Brain: Postnatal Environments Promoting Resilience. Biological Psychiatry. 2022. In press.

Oksanen E, Sihvonen AJ, Karlsson H, Särkämö T. Masennuksesta toipuminen ja masennushoidot muokkaavat aivojen rakennetta. Lääkärilehti. 2022, 77(18).

Ollas-Skogster D, Rautakoski P, Bridgett D, Kataja EL, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Nolvi S. Associations between observed and reported infant negative affectivity, fear and self-regulation, and early communicative development-Evidence from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Infancy. 2022. doi: 10.1111/infa.12508

Pulli EP, Silver E, Kumpulainen V, Copeland A, Merisaari H, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saukko E, Nolvi S, Kataja E-L, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H & Tuulari JJ. Feasibility of FreeSurfer Processing for T1-Weighted Brain Images of 5-Year-Olds: Semiautomated Protocol of FinnBrain Neuroimaging Lab. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2022; 16:874062-874062. Tiivistelmä julkaisusta

Rajasilta O, Häkkinen S, Björnsdotter M, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Maternal psychological distress associates with alterations in resting-state low-frequency fluctuations and distal functional connectivity of the neonate medial prefrontal cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2022. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15882

Rosberg A, Tuulari JJ, Kumpulainen V, Lukkarinen M, Pulli EP, Silver E, Copeland A, Saukko E, Saunavaara J, Lewis JD, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Merisaari H. Test-retest reliability of diffusion tensor imaging scalars in 5-year-olds. Human Brain Mapping. 2022, 43 (16): 4984-4994. doi: 10.1002/hbm.26064

Silver E, Pulli EP, Kataja EL, Kumpulainen V, Copeland A, Saukko E, Saunavaara J, Merisaari H, Lähdesmäki T, Parkkola R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Prenatal and early-life environmental factors, family demographics and cortical brain anatomy in 5-year-olds: an MRI study from FinnBrain Birth Cohort. Brain Imaging and Behav. 2022, 16 (5): 2097-2109. doi: 10.1007/s11682-022-00679-w.

Suokko H, Tolvanen M, Virtanen J, Suominen A, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Lahti S. Parent’s self-reported tooth brushing and use of fluoridated toothpaste: Associations with their one-year-old child’s preventive oral health behaviour. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiol. 2022. doi: 10.1111/cdoe.12742

Year 2021

Sinisalo S. Psyykkinen turvallisuus leikki-ikäisten lasten magneettikuvantamiskäynneillä: koulutusmateriaali kohtaajille. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu 2021.

Parsons CE, Nummenmaa L, Sinervä E, Korja R, Kajanoja J, Young KS, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Investigating the Effects of Perinatal Status and Gender on Adults’ Responses to Infant and Adult Facial Emotion. Emotion 2021, 21(2): 337–349.

Rajasilta O, Häkkinen S, Björnsdotter M, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI associates with neonate local and distal functional connectivity of the left superior frontal gyrus. Scientific Reports 2021, 11.

Tervahartiala K, Kortesluoma S, Pelto J, Ahtola A, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karlsson L. Children’s diurnal cortisol output and temperament in two different childcare settings at 2 and 3.5 years of age. Developmental Psychobiology 2021, 6(1).

Puosi E, Korhonen L S, Karlsson L, Kataja E-L, Lukkarinen H, Karlsson H. Lukkarinen M. Maternal Prenatal psychological distress associates with offspring early-life wheezing – FinnBrain Birth Cohort. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2021, 33 (1).

Karukivi M, Suominen A, Scheinin NM, Li R, Ahrnberg H, Rantavuori K, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Lahti S. Gender-specific associations between the dimensions of alexithymia personality trait and dental anxiety in parents of the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. European Journal of Oral Sciences 2021, 130(1).

Kortesluoma S, Korhonen LS, Pelto J, Tuulari JJ, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Age and sex differences in the cortisol stress reactivity and recovery among infants exposed to prenatal psychological distress. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2022, 135.

Nordenswan E, Deater-Deckar K, Kataja E-L, Karrasch M, Pelto J, Laine M, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Maternal Psychological Distress and Executive Functions Are Associated During Early Parenthood – A FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021, 12.

Nordenswan E, Deater-Deckar K, Karrasch M, Laine M, Kataja E-L, Holmberg E, Eskola E, Hakanen H, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Maternal Executive Functioning, Emotional Availability and Psychological Distress During Toddlerhood: A FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021, 12.

Morales-Muñoz I, Nolvi S, Mäkelä T, Eskola E, Korja R, Fernandes M, Karlsson H, Paavonen EJ, Karlsson L. Sleep During Infancy, Inhibitory Control and Working Memory in Toddlers: Findings from the FinnBrain Cohort Study. Sleep Science and Practice. 2021, 5(13).

Gustafsson HC, Nolvi S, Sullivan EL, Rasmussen J, Gyllenhammer LE, Entringer S, Wadhwa PD, O’Connor TG, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Korja R, Buss C, Graham AM, & Nigg JT. Early development of negative and positive affect: Implications for ADHD symptomatology across three birth cohorts. Development and Psychopathology. 2021, 33(5): 1837-1848.

Karlsson, L.C., Soveri, A., Lewandowsky, S., Karlsson, L., Karlsson, H., Nolvi, S, Antfolk, J. The behavioral immune system and vaccination intentions during the coronavirus pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences. 2022, 185.

Raitakari O, Kotaja N, Karlsson H. Epigeneettinen periytyminen sukusolulinjassa. Duodecim. 2021, 137(8): 803-10.

Lund RJ, Kyläniemi M, Pettersson N, Kaukonen R, Konki M, Scheinin NM, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Ekholm E. Placental DNA methylation marks are associated with maternal depressive symptoms during early pregnancy. Neurobiol Stress. 2021, 15.

Nolvi, S., Tuulari, J. J., Pelto, J., Bridgett, D. J., Eskola, E., Lehtola, S. J., Hashempour, N., Korja, R., Kataja, E.-L., Saunavaara, J., Parkkola, R., Lähdesmäki, T., Scheinin, N. M., Fernandes, M., Karlsson, L., Lewis, J. D., Fonov, V. S., Collins, D. L., & Karlsson, H. Neonatal amygdala Vols. and the development of self-regulation from early infancy to toddlerhood. Neuropsychology. 2021,  35(3): 285-299.

Copeland A, Silver E, Korja R, Lehtola SJ, Merisaari H, Saukko E, Sinisalo S, Saunavaara J, Lähdesmäki T, Parkkola R, Nolvi S, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Infant and Child MRI: A Review of Scanning Procedures. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2021, 15.

Katila M, Saarenpää-Heikkilä O, Saha M-T, Vuorela N, Huhtala H, Korhonen LS, Lukkarinen M, Tuulari JJ, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Paavonen JE.  Prevalence and evolution of snoring and the associated factors in two-year-old children. Sleep Medicine 2021, 84: 275-282.

Kataja E-L, Rodriques AJ, Scheinin NM, Nolvi S, Korja R, Häikiö T, Ekholm E, Sousa N, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Prenatal Glucocorticoid-Exposed Infants Do Not Show an Age-Typical Fear Bias at 8 Months of Age – Preliminary Findings From the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Frontiers in Psychology 2021, 12.

Ahrnberg H, Korja R, Scheinin NM, Nolvi S, Kataja E-L, Kajanoja J, Hakanen H, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Karukivi M. Maternal Alexithymic Traits Are Related to Lower Maternal Sensitivity and Higher Hostility in Maternal Caregiving Behavior-The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Frontiers in Psychology 2021, 12.

Palo K, Tolvanen M, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Lahti S. Is the oral-health-related quality of life associated with quality of life among pregnant Finnish families: A cross-sectional study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2021, 79(7): 523-527.

Viitaniemi H, Suominen A, Karlsson L, Mustonen P, Kortesluoma S, Rantavuori K, Rodrigues A J, Coimbra B, Karlsson H, Lahti S. Hair Cortisol Concentrations Are Associated with Dental Anxiety during Pregnancy. Dentistry Journal. 2021, 9(4):42.

Pietikäinen J T, Härkänen T, Polo-Kantola P, Karlsson H, Paunio T, Karlsson L, Paavonen J E. Estimating the cumulative risk of postnatal depressive symptoms: the role of insomnia symptoms across pregnancy. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2021, 56(12):2251-2261.

Nolvi S, Karukivi M, Korja R, Lindblom J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Vanhempien masennus- ja ahdistusoireet lisääntyivät COVID-19-pandemian alkuvaiheessa – FinnBrain-syntymäkohorttitutkimus. Duodecim. 2021, 137(11): 1203-10.

Eskola E, Kataja E-L, Hyönä J, Häikiö T, Pelto J, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Behavioral Regulatory Problems Are Associated With a Lower Attentional Bias to Fearful Faces During Infancy. Child Development. 2021, 92(4):1539-1553.

Moralez-Munoz I, Kantojärvi K, Uhre VM, Saarenpää-Heikkilä O, Kylliäinen A, Pölkki P, Himanen SL, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Paavonen EJ, Paunio T. The effects of genetic background for diurnal preference on sleep development in early childhood. Nature and Science of Sleep. 2021, 13: 219-228.

Korhonen L, Lukkarinen M, Kantojärvi K, Räty P, Karlsson H, Paunio T, Peltola V, Karlsson L. Interactions of genetic variants and prenatal stress in relation to the risk for recurrent respiratory infections in children. Scientific Reports. 2021, 11(1): 7589.

Keskitalo A, Aatsinki A-K, Kortesluoma S, Pelto J, Korhonen L, Lahti L, Lukkarinen M, Munukka E, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Gut microbiota diversity but not composition is related to saliva cortisol stress response at the age of 2.5 months. Stress. 2021, 24(5): 551-560.

Kortesniemi M, Slupsky CM, Aatsinki A-K, Sinkkonen J, Karlsson L, Linderborg K, Yang B, Karlsson H, Kailanto H-M. Human milk metabolome is associated with symptoms of maternal psychological distress and milk cortisol. Food Chemistry. 2021, 356.

Year 2020

Lukkarinen M, Puosi E, Kataja E-L, Korhonen L, Lukkarinen H, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Maternal psychological distress during gestation is associated with infant food allergy. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2020.

Lindberg M, Nolvi S, Härkönen J, Aatsinki AK, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Uusitupa HM. Associations between maternal socioeconomic, psychosocial and seasonal factors, infant characteristics and human milk cortisol concentrations. Am J Human Biol 2020.

Gunst A, Sundén M, Korja R, Boddy A, Kotler J, Paavonen EJ, Uusitupa H-M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Antfolk J. Postpartum Depression and Mother-offspring Conflict over Maternal Investment. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health 2020

Karlsson LC, Soveri A, Lewandowsky S, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karukivi M, Lindfelt M, Antfolk J. Fearing the Disease or the Vaccine: The Case of COVID-19. Personality and Individual Differences 2020.

Holmberg E, Teppola T, Pajulo M, Davis EP, Nolvi S, Kataja EL, Sinervä E, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Korja R. Maternal anxiety symptoms and self-regulation capacity are associated with the unpredictability of maternal sensory signals in caretaking behavior. Front Psychol 2020.

Kotimäki S, Härkönen J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Scheinin NM. Educational differences in prenatal anxiety and depressive symptoms and the role of childhood circumstances. SSM – Population Health 2020.

Karlsson H, Merisaari H, Karlsson L, Scheinin NM, Parkkola R, Saunavaara J, Lähdesmäki T, Lehtola SJ, Keskinen M, Pelto J, Lewis JD, Tuulari JJ. Association of Cumulative Paternal Early Life Stress With White Matter Maturation in Newborns. JAMA Network Open 2020.

Silver E, Korja R, Mainela-Arnold E, Pulli EP, Saukko E, Nolvi S, Kataja E-L, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. A systematic review of MRI studies of language development from birth to 2 years of age. Developmental Neurobiology 2020.

Jussila H, Pelto J, Korja R, Ekholm E, Pajulo M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. The association of maternal-fetal attachment with smoking and smoking cessation during pregnancy in The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2020.

Kortesluoma S, Korhonen L, Pelto J, Hyttinen S, Laine O, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Sex differences in the associations between maternal prenatal distress and infant cortisol reactivity and recovery. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2020.

Porthan E, Lindberg M, Ekholm E, Scheinin NM, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Härkönen J. Parental divorce in childhood does not independently predict maternal depressive symptoms during pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2020.

Acosta H, Tuulari JJ, Kantojärvi K, Lewis JD, Hashempour N, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Evans A, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saunavaara J, Merisaari H, Karlsson L, Paunio T, Karlsson H. A variation in the infant oxytocin receptor gene modulates infant hippocampal volumes in association with sex and prenatal maternal anxiety. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging 2020.

Morales-Muñoz I, Nolvi S, Virta M, Karlsson H, Paavonen JE, Karlsson L. The longitudinal associations between temperament and sleep during the first year of life. Infant Behavior and Development 2020.

Kajanoja J, Karukivi M, Scheinin NM, Ahrnberg H, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Early-life adversities and adult attachment in depression and alexithymia. Development and Psychopathology 2020.

Hagqvist O, Tolvanen M, Rantavuori K, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Lahti S. Changes in dental fear and its relations to anxiety and depression in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. European Journal of Oral Sciences 2020.

Acosta H, Kantojärvi K, Tuulari JJ, Lewis JD, Hashempour N, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Fonov VS, Collins LD, Evans A, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saunavaara J, Merisaari H, Karlsson L, Paunio T, Karlsson H. Sex‐specific association between infant caudate volumes and a polygenic risk score for major depressive disorder. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2020.

Tuulari JJ, Kataja E-L, Leppänen JM, Lewis JD, Nolvi S, Häikiö T, Lehtola SJ, Hashempour N, Saunavaara J, Scheinin NM, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Newborn left amygdala volume associates with attention disengagement from fearful faces at eight months. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 2020:45.

Nordenswan E, Kataja E-L, Deater-Deckar K, Korja R, Karrasch M, Laine M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Latent Structure of Executive Functioning/Learning Tasks in the CogState Computerized Battery. Sage Open 2020:1-10.

Soveri A, Karlsson LC, Mäki O, Antfolk J, Waris O, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Lindfelt M, Lewandowsky S. Trait reactance and trust in doctors as predictors of vaccination behavior, vaccine attitudes, and use of complementary and alternative medicine in parents of young children. Plos One 2020;15(7).

Waris O, Karlsson L, Antfolk J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Soveri A. The factorial structure of the Hong Psychological Reactance Scale in two Finnish samples. Nordic Psychology 2020.

Kataja E-L, Leppänen JM, Kantojärvi K, Pelto J, Häikiö T, Korja R, Nolvi S, Karlsson H, Paunio T, Karlsson L. The role of TPH2 variant rs4570625 in shaping infant attention to social signals. Infant Behavior and Development 2020; 60.

Linderborg KM, Kortesniemi M, Aatsinki A-K, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Yang B, Uusitupa H-M. Interactions between cortisol and lipids in human milk. International Breast Feeding Journal 2020;15(1):66.

Rajasilta O, Tuulari JJ, Björnsdotter M, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Saunavaara J, Häkkinen S, Merisaari H, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Resting-state networks of the neonate brain identified using independent component analysis. Developmental Neurobiology 2020;80:111-125.

Lehtola S, Tuulari JJ, Scheinin NM, Karlsson L, Parkkola R, Merisaari H, Lewis JD, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Evans A, Saunavaara J, Hashempour N, Lähdesmäki T, Acosta H, Karlsson H. Newborn amygdalar volumes are associated with maternal prenatal psychological distress in a sex-dependent way. Neuroimage: Clinical 2020; 28.

Acosta H, Tuulari JJ, Scheinin NM, Hashempour N, Rajasilta O, Lavonius TI, Pelto J, Saunavaara V, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Prenatal maternal depressive symptoms are associated with smaller amygdalar volumes of four-year-old children. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 2020; 304.

Lempainen J, Korhonen LS, Kantojärvi K, Heinonen S, Toivonen L, Räty P, Ramilo O, Mejias A, Laine A-P, Vurinen T, Waris M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Paunio T, Peltola V. Associations between IFI44L gene variants and rates of respiratory tract infections during early childhood.  Journal of Infectious Disease 2020.

Acosta H, Kantojärvi K, Hashempour N, Pelto J, Tuulari JJ, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Lewis JD, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Evans A, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saunavaara J, Karlsson L, Merisaari H, Paunio T, Karlsson H. Partial Support for an interaction between a polygenic risk score for major depressive disorder and prenatal maternal depressive symptoms on infant right amygdalar volumes. Cerebral Cortex 2020.

Tervahartiala K, Nolvi S, Kortesluoma S, Pelto J, Hyttinen S, Junttila N, Ahtola A, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Child temperament and total diurnal cortisol in out-of-home center-based child care and in at-home parental care. Child Development 2020.

Nolvi S, Tuulari JJ, Lavonius T, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Lavonius M, Merisaari H, Saunavaara J, Korja R, Kataja E-L, Pelto J, Parkkola R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Newborn white matter microstructure moderates the association between maternal postpartum depressive symptoms and infant negative reactivity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2020; 1-12.

Aatsinki A-K, Keskitalo A, Laitinen V, Munukka E, Uusitupa H-M, Lahti L, Kortesluoma S, Mustonen P, Rodrigues AJ, Coimbra B, Huovinen P, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Maternal prenatal psychological distress and hair cortisol levels associate with infant fecal microbiota composition at 2.5 months of age. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2020; 119.

Aukia L, Paavonen JE, Jänkälä T, Tolvanen M, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Polo-Kantola P. Insomnia symptoms increase during pregnancy, but no increase in sleepiness – Associations with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Sleep Medicine 2020; 72: 150-156.

Kajanoja J, Karukivi M, Mustonen P, Scheinin NM, Kortesluoma S, Rodrigues AJ, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Alexithymic traits and hair cortisol concentrations in pregnant women. Front Psychiatry 2020; 11: 421.

Ahrnberg H, Pajulo M, Scheinin NM, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Karukivi M. Association between parental alexithymic traits and self-reported postnatal reflective functioning in a birth cohort population. Findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Psychiatry Research 2020; 286.

Paavonen E J, Saarenpää-Heikkilä O, Morales-Munoz I, Virta M, Häkälä N, Pölkki P, Kylliäinen A, Karlsson H, Paunio T, Karlsson L. Normal sleep development in infants: findings from two large birth cohorts. Sleep Medicine 2020; 69: 145-154.

Lavonius M, Railo H, Karlsson  L, Wikström V, Tuulari  JJ, Scheinin NM, Paavonen EJ, Polo-Kantola P, Karlsson H, Huotilainen M. Maternal sleep quality during pregnancy is associated with neonatal auditory ERPs. Scientific Reports 2020;10.

Ollas D, Rautakoski P, Nolvi S, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Temperament is associated with the use of communicative gestures in infancy. Infant and Child Development 2020; 29(3).

Maria A, Nissilä I, Shekhar S, Kotilahti K, Tuulari J J, Hirvi P, Huotilainen M, Heiskala J, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Relationship between maternal pregnancy-related anxiety and infant brain responses to emotional speech – a pilot study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020; 262: 62-70.

Kumpulainen V, Lehtola SJ, Tuulari JJ, Silver E, Copeland A, Korja R, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Merisaari M, Parkkola R, Saunavaara J, Lähdesmäki T, Scheinin NM. Prevalence and risk factors of incidental findings in brain MRIs of healthy neonates-The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Frontiers in Neurology 2020.

Year 2019

Lahti S M, Tolvanen M M, Humphris G, Freeman R, Rantavuori K, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Association of depression and anxiety with different aspects of dental anxiety in pregnant mothers and their partners. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2019; 48(2): 137-142.

Parsons C E, Nummenmaa L, Sinervä E, Korja R, Kajanoja J, Young K S, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Investigating the effects of perinatal status and gender on adults’ responses to infant and adult facial emotion. Emotion 2019.

Dellagiulia A, Lionetti F, Pastore M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Huizink A C. The pregnancy anxiety questionnaire revised-2. A contribution to its validation. European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2019.

Kaartinen M, Karlsson L, Paavonen J E, Polo-Kantola P, Pelto J, Nousiainen N, Scheinin N M, Maksimow M, Salmi M, Karlsson H. Maternal tiredness and cytokine concentrations in mid-pregnancy. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2019; 127.

Tervahartiala K, Karlsson L, Pelto J, Kortesluoma S, Hyttinen S, Ahtola A, Junttila N, Karlsson H. Toddlers’ diurnal cortisol levels affected by out‑of‑home, center‑based childcare and at‑home, guardian‑supervised childcare: comparison between different caregiving contexts. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2019.

Hashempour N, Tuulari J J, Merisaari H, Lidauer K, Luukkonen I, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Lehtola S, Keskinen M, Lewis J D, Scheinin N M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. A Novel Approach for Manual Segmentation of the Amygdala and Hippocampus in Neonate MRI. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2019; 13.

Kajanoja J, Karukivi M, Scheinin N M, Tuulari J J, Ahrnberg H, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Alexithymia, body mass index and gestational diabetes in pregnant women – FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2019; 124.

Hakanen H, Flykt M, Sinervä E, Nolvi S, Kataja E-L, Pelto J, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. How maternal pre- and postnatal symptoms of depression and anxiety affect early mother-infant interaction? Journal of Affective Disorders 2019; 257: 83-90.

Acosta H, Tuulari J J, Scheinin N M, Hashempour N, Rajasilta O, Lavonius T, Pelto J, Saunavaara V, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Maternal pregnancy-related anxiety is associated with sexually dimorphic alterations in amygdala volume in 4-year-old children. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2019; 13.​

Davis E P, Korja R, Karlsson L, Glynn L M, Sandman C A, Vegetabile B, Kataja E-L, Nolvi S, Sinervä E, Pelto J, Karlsson H, Stern H S, Baram T Z. Across continents and demographics, unpredictable maternal signals are associated with children’s cognitive function. EBioMedicine 2019; 46: 256-263.

Mustonen P, Karlsson L, Kataja E-L, Scheinin N M, Kortesluoma S, Coimbra B, Rodrigues A J, Sousa N, Karlsson H. Maternal prenatal hair cortisol is associated with prenatal depressive symptom trajectories. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2019; 109.

Nolvi S, Bridgett D J, Korja R, Kataja E-L, Junttila N, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Trajectories of maternal pre- and postnatal anxiety and depressive symptoms and infant fear: Moderation by infant sex. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019; 257: 589-597.​ ​

Aatsinki A-K, Lahti L, Uusitupa H-M, Munukka E, Keskitalo A, Nolvi S, O’Mahony S, Pietilä S, Elo L L, Eerola E, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Gut microbiota composition is associated with temperament traits in infants. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2019; 80: 849-585.

Korhonen L, Kortesluoma S, Lukkarinen M, Peltola V, Pesonen H, Pelto J, Tuulari J J, Lukkarinen H, Vuorinen T, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Prenatal maternal distress associates with blunted cortisol response in rhinovirus-positive infants. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2019; 107: 187-190​.​

Merisaari H, Tuulari J J, Karlsson L, Scheinin N M, Parkkola R, Saunavaara J, Lähdesmäki T, Lehtola S J, Keskinen M, Lewis J D, Evans A C, Karlsson H. Test-retest reliability of Diffusion Tensor Imaging metrics in neonates. NeuroImage 2019; 197: 598-607.

Shekhar S, Maria A, Kotilahti K, Huotilainen M, Heiskala J, Tuulari J J, Hirvi P, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Nissilä I. Hemodynamic responses to emotional speech in two-month-old infants imaged using diffuse optical tomography. Scientific Reports 2019; 9.

Korhonen L, Karlsson L, Scheinin N M, Korja R, Tolvanen M, Mertsola J, Peltola V, Karlsson H. Prenatal maternal psychological distress and offspring risk for recurrent respiratory infections. The Journal of Pediatrics 2019; 208: 229-235.

Tuulari J J, Scheinin N M, Lehtola S, Merisaari H, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Sehlstedt I, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Björnsdotter M. Neural correlates of gentle skin stroking in early infancy. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 2019; 35: 36-41.

Pulli E P, Kumpulainen V, Kasurinen J H, Korja R, Merisaari H, Karlsson L, Parkkola R, Saunavaara J, Lähdesmäki T, Scheinin N M, Karlsson H, Tuulari J J. Prenatal exposures and infant brain: review of magnetic resonance imaging studies and a population description analysis. Human Brain Mapping 2019; 40(6): 1987-2000.

Kajanoja J, Scheinin N M, Karukivi M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Alcohol and tobacco use in men: the role of alexithymia and externally oriented thinking style. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2019; 45(2): 199-207.

Lehtola S J, Tuulari J J, Karlsson L, Parkkola R, Merisaari H, Saunavaara J, Lähdesmäki T, Scheinin N M, Karlsson H. Associations of age and sex with brain volumes and asymmetry in 2-5-week-old infants. Brain Structure and Function 2019; 224(1): 501-513.

Kataja E-L, Karlsson L, Parsons C E, Pelto J, Pesonen H, Häikiö T, Hyönä J, Nolvi S, Korja R, Karlsson H. Maternal pre- and postnatal anxiety symptoms and infant attention disengagement from emotional faces. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019; 243: 280-289.

Year 2018

Korja R, Nolvi S, Kataja E-L, Scheinin N M, Junttila N, Lahtinen H, Saarni S, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. The courses of maternal and paternal depressive and anxiety symptoms during the prenatal period in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort study. PLoS One 2018: 13(12).

Kataja E-L, Karlsson L, Leppänen J M, Pelto J, Häikiö T, Nolvi S, Pesonen H, Parsons C E, Hyönä J, Karlsson H. Maternal depressive symptoms during the pre- and postnatal periods and infant attention to emotional faces. Child Development 2018.

Maria A, Shekhar S, Nissilä I, Kotilahti K, Huotilainen M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari J J. Emotional processing in the first two years of life: a review of near-infrared spectroscopy studies. Journal of Neuroimaging 2018.

Hagqvist O, Tolvanen M, Rantavuori K, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Lahti S. Short-term longitudinal changes in adult dental fear. European Journal of Oral Sciences 2018; 126: 300-306.

Aatsinki A-K, Uusitupa H-M, Munukka E, Pesonen H, Rintala A, Pietilä S, Lahti L, Eerola E, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Gut Microbiota Composition in Mid-Pregnancy Is Associated with Gestational Weight Gain but Not Prepregnancy Body Mass Index. Journal of Women’s Health; 2018.

Pajulo M, Tolvanen M, Pyykkönen N, Karlsson L, Mayes L, Karlsson H. Exploring parental mentalization in postnatal phase with a self-report questionnaire (PRFQ): Factor structure, gender differences and association with sociodemographic factors. The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Psychiatry Research 2018; 262: 431–439.

Mustonen P, Karlsson L, Scheinin N M, Kortesluoma S, Coimbra B, Rodrigues A J, Karlsson H. Hair cortisol concentration (HCC) as a measure for prenatal psychological distress — A systematic review. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2018; 92: 21–28.

Kostilainen K, Wikström V, Pakarinen S, Videman M, Karlsson L, Keskinen M, Scheinin N M, Karlsson H, Huotilainen M. Healthy full-term infants’ brain responses to emotionally and linguistically relevant sounds using a multi-feature mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm. Neuroscience Letters 2018; 670: 110-115.

Kajanoja J, Scheinin N M, Karukivi M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Is antidepressant use associated with difficulty identifying feelings? A brief report. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2018; 26(1): 2-5.

Härkönen J, Lindberg M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Scheinin N M. Education is the strongest socioeconomic predictor of smoking in pregnancy. Addiction 2018; 113: 1117-1126.

Nolvi S, Pesonen H, Bridgett D J, Korja R, Kataja E-L, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Infant sex moderates the effects of maternal pre- and postnatal stress on executive functioning at 8 months of age. Infancy 2018; 23 (2): 194-210.

Jönsson E H, Kotilahti K, Heiskala J, Washling H B, Olausson Hå, Croy I, Mustaniemi H, Hiltunen P, Tuulari J J, Scheinin N M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Nissilä I. Affective and non-affective touch evoke differential brain responses in 2-month-old infants. Neuroimage 2018; 169: 162-171.

Year 2017

van der Zwan J E, de Wente W, Tolvanen M, Karlsson H, Buil J M, Koot H M, Paavonen E J, Polo-Kantola P, Huizink A C, Karlsson L. Longitudinal associations between sleep and anxiety during pregnancy, and the moderating effect of resilience, using parallel process latent growth curve models. Sleep Medicine 2017; 40: 63-68.

Tuulari J J, Karlsson H. Mielihyvä, mielipaha ja ihmisen aivot. Duodecim 2017; 133(23): 2203-7.

Nolvi S, Uusitupa H-M, Bridgett D J, Pesonen H, Aatsinki A-K, Kataja E-L, Korja R, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Human milk cortisol concentration predicts experimentally induced infant fear reactivity: moderation by infant sex. Developmental Science 2017; e12625.

Karlsson L, Tolvanen M, Scheinin N M, Uusitupa H-M, Korja R, Ekholm E, Tuulari J J, Pajulo M, Huotilainen M, Paunio T, Karlsson H. Cohort Profile: The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study (FinnBrain). International Journal of Epidemiology 2017: 1-12.

Kataja E-L, Karlsson L, Kemppainen T, Karlsson H. Lasta odottavien perheiden terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin alueelliset erot Turussa. Turun kaupunki, Kaupunkitutkimusohjelma, Tutkimusraportteja 3/2017.

Kataja E-L, Karlsson L, Huizink A C, Tolvanen M, Parsons C, Nolvi S, Karlsson H. Pregnancy-related anxiety and depressive symptoms are associated with visuospatial working memory errors during pregnancy. Journal of Affective Disorders 2017; 218: 66-74.

Kajanoja J, Scheinin N M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Karukivi M. Alexithymia as a health risk and resilience factor: responce to Dr. Davydov. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2017; 201: 135-136.

Kajanoja J, Scheinin N M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Karukivi M. Illuminating the clinical significance of alexithymia subtypes: A cluster analysis of alexithymic traits and psychiatric symptoms. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2017; 97: 111-117.

Year 2016

Polo P, Aukia L, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Paavonen J. Sleep quality during pregnancy: Associations with depressive and anxiety symptoms. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2016; 96(2): 198-206.

Kataja E-L, Karlsson L, Tolvanen M, Parsons C, Schembri A, Kiiski-Mäki H, Karlsson H. Correlation between the Cogstate computerized measure and WAIS-IV among birth cohort mothers. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2016; 32(2): 252-258.

Karlsson L, Nousiainen N, Scheinin N M, Maksimow M, Salmi M, Lehto S M, Tolvanen M, Lukkarinen H, Karlsson H. Cytokine profile and maternal depression and anxiety symptoms in mid-pregnancy – the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 2016; 20(1): 39-48.

Lehtola S, Tuulari J J, Karlsson L, Parkkola R, Karlsson H, Scheinin N M. Miten varhainen stressi vaikuttaa aivojen kehitykseen? Duodecim 2016; 132(15): 1345-51.

Nolvi S, Karlsson L, Bridgett DJ, Korja R, Huizink AC, Kataja EL, Karlsson H. Maternal prenatal stress and infant emotional reactivity six months postpartum. Journal of Affective Disorders 2016; 199: 163-70.

Nolvi S, Karlsson L, Bridgett DJ, Pajulo M, Tolvanen M, Karlsson H. Maternal postnatal psychiatric symptoms and infant temperament affect early mother-infant bonding. Infant Behavior and Development 2016; 43: 13-23.

Pajulo M, Salo S, Pyykkönen N. Mentalisaatio –ydinalue lasta suojaavassa työssä. (Mentalization-  a core area in child protection work). Perheterapialehti 2016; 1: 34-44.

VonKoskull M, Pajulo M, Westerlund-Cook S, Hakulinen-Viitanen T, Ekholm E. Uusi raskausajan päiväkirja: vauvalle tilaa vanhemman mielessä. Neuvola- ja kouluterveys 2016; 1: 38-42.

Year 2015

Pajulo M, Tolvanen M, Karlsson L, Halme-Chowdhury E, Öst C, Luyten P, Mayes L, Karlsson H. The prenatal parental reflective functioning questionnaire: exploring factor structure and construct validity of a new measure in the FinnBrain birth cohort pilot study. Infant Mental Health Journal 2015; 36(4): 399-414.

Karukivi M, Tolvanen M, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Alexithymia and postpartum anxiety and depression symptoms. A follow-up study in a pregnancy cohort. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol 2015; 36: 142-7.

Kantonen T, Karlsson L, Nolvi S, Karukivi M, Tolvanen M, Karlsson H. Maternal Alexithymic Traits, Prenatal Stress, and Infant Temperament. Infant Behavior and Development 2015; 41: 12-16.

Huizink A C, Delforterie M J, Scheinin N M, Tolvanen M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Adaption of pregnancy anxiety questionaire -revised for all pregnant women regardless of parity: PRAQ-R2. Arch Womens Ment Health 2015; 19: 125-132.

Hagqvist O, Tolvanen M, Luoto A, Rantavuori K, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Lahti S. Dental fear and previous childhood traumatic experiences, life events, and parental bonding. Eur. J.of Oral Sci., 2015; 123: 96-101.

Pajulo M, Pyykkönen N. Mentalisaatiokyvyn arviointi. Kirjassa: Mentalisaatio perheiden kohtaamisessa. Viinikka A. (toim.) (Assessing early parental mentalization. In: Mentalization in working with families). MLL (Mannerheim Leaque of Child Welfare) 2015: 142-152.

Pajulo M, Salo S, Pyykkönen N. Mentalisaatio ihmistä ja ihmiskuntaa suojaavana tekijänä. (Mentalization as a protective factor on individual and societal level). Duodecim 2015; 11: 1050-1057.

Before 2015

Karukivi M, Tolvanen M, Karlsson L & Karlsson H. Is alexithymia linked with marital satisfaction or attachment to the partner? A study in a pregnancy cohort of parents-to-be. Compr Psychiatry 2014; 55: 1252-7.

Tolvanen M, Hagqvist O, Luoto A, Rantavuori K, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Lahti S. Changes over time in adult dental fear and correlation to depression and anxiety: a cohort study of pregnant mothers and fathers. Eur. J.of Oral Sci., 2013; 121: 264-269.

Pajulo M, Pyykkönen N. Mentalisaatiokyky, reflektiivinen funktio ja varhainen vanhemmuus. Teoreettisia, kliinisiä ja tutkimuksellisia näkökohtia. Kirjassa Sinkkonen J, Kalland M (toim./Eds.) Varhaiset tunnesuhteet ja niiden suojeleminen, (Mentalization, reflective functioning and early parenthood. Theoretical, clinical and research aspects. In: Early relationships and their protection). WSOY 2011: 71-93.

Kortesluoma S, Karlsson, H. Oksitosiini – kiintymyksen ja sosiaalisuuden neuropeptidi. Duodecim 2011; 127(9): 911-918.