Congress Programme

Wednesday 7th June 2023

Please, see the program in Finnish for “Suomenkielinen koulutuspäivä” behind this link.

6pm: City reception / Get-together party
Venue: Turku City Hall, Aurakatu 2, Turku

THURSDAY 8th June 2023

9.00-9.15 Hasse Karlsson, University of Turku, Finland: Opening words

Chair: Jetro Tuulari

9.15-10.00 Keynote 1: Christine Heim, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany: Understanding and mitigating the impact of early-life stress on disease risk: towards developmental programming of lifelong health

10.00-10.25 Riikka Lund, University of Turku, Finland: Maternal depression during pregnancy; effect on placenta DNA methylation


10.35-11.00 Eeva-Leena Kataja, University of Turku, Finland: Adverse childhood experiences – mental health and resilience

11.00-11.25 Emma Vitikainen, University of Turku, Finland: Telomere length in the FinnBrain cohort: are there compounding effects of pre- and postnatal stress exposures on child cellular senescence?


Chair: Elmo Pulli

12.45-13.15 Keynote 2: Noora Kotaja, University of Turku, Finland: How paternal stress modifies sperm epigenome

13.15-13.40 Jetro Tuulari, University of Turku, Finland: Parental adverse childhood experiences and offspring brain

13.40-14.05 Minna Lukkarinen, University of Turku, Finland: Parental early life stress and offspring asthma and atopic diseases


14.35-15.00 Flash talks

  • Aaron Barron, University College Cork, Ireland and University of Turku, Finland: The immune marker C-reactive protein is associated with sex-specific grey and white matter alterations in 5-year-olds: a neuroimaging analysis from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study
  • Carolina Mariño-Narvaez, University of Granada, Spain: Child emotional reactivity at 3 years old determined by dermatoglyphic ridge count: influence of maternal prenatal hair cortisol
  • Clara Deady, University College Cork, Ireland: Maternal immune activation and microbiome disruption leads to differential neurobehavioural profiles in the offspring
  • Randall Waechter, St. George’s University, West Indies: Breaking the ACEs cycle through caregiver psychosocial capacity building: Lessons from the Saving Brains Grenada Intervention
  • Hsing-Fen Tu, Uppsala University, Sweden: Perinatal depression and infants’ language development at 18 months

15.00 Poster session with snacks and wine

16.30 Closing of the day


19.30 Conference dinner (not included in the registration fee)

Venue: Restaurant Aboa Vetus Ars Nova, Itäinen Rantakatu 4-6, Turku

FRIDAY 9th June 2023

Chair: Hasse Karlsson

9.00-9.45 Keynote 3: Martin H. Teicher, McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School, USA: Early life stress – age dependent effects on brain development

9.45-10.10 Elmo Pulli, University of Turku, Finland: Maternal perinatal mental health and child brain at age 5


10.30-11.15 Keynote 4: Michelle Fernandes, University of Oxford, UK: Associations between early life stress and child development: biologically determined or environmentally derived?

11.15-11.40 Riikka Korja, Eeva Holmberg, University of Turku, Finland: Predictability in mother child interaction


Chair: Linnea Karlsson

13.00-13.30 Sarah Nazzari, University of Pavia, Italy: Psychobiological signatures of prenatal exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from a longitudinal multi-centric Italian study

13.30-13.55 Jukka Leppänen, University of Turku, Finland: Early exposures and child cognitive and attention development

13.55-14.20 Kirsi Peltonen, University of Turku, Finland: Effects of extreme childhood stress

14.20-15.00 Coffee, award ceremony and the closing words by Hasse Karlsson