Greetings from the monthly GSN Lunch
Global South Network has a fixed lunch date on the last Thursday of every month during the academic year. We meet at Piccu Maccia in Educarium at 11 AM. You are welcome to join us, even for a coffee!
Today, 27 February 2020, we had yet again a pleasant meeting. Moreover, this time we actually came up with some plans on how to refresh the network. We certainly do believe that gathering the like-minded UTU staff members working with thematically similar issues – here, Global South – is something to hold on to. We also encourage you to invite the visiting UTU researchers to join us.

Finally, about our plans:
We will definitely organize a meeting during the spring, probably in April. The idea we start working on relates to Tanzania Resilience Academy and the discussion we had about the projects in Tanzania. One thing in common for them is the urge to unite and connect actors from different institutions. Sounds somewhat familiar..! In our next event, we will get to know different projects but also try to learn from them. Maybe it will be a workshop, maybe not. However, follow our e-mails, Whatsapp or Teams communication, or contact Msilikale Msilanga, if you want to be involved in organizing the event.
The second idea is to write and publish short articles about our various researchers. It is an excellent way to bring oneself forward and realize the possible points in common in each other’s work. This effort will also enliven this website and give the network more publicity. Contact Minna-Liina Ojala if you want to start writing the articles or be interviewed and a topic of one of the first posts.
Got interested? Join our mailing list or contact one of our researchers. Hopefully we will meet over lunch – the next date is already set.