
Here is a link to the recent (2014-2024) publications of the group.

Most of our publications appeared in the major astronomy journals:

JournalAbbreviationImpact Factor 2022
Astronomy and AstrophysicsA&A6.24
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyMNRAS5.235
Astrophysical JournalApJ5.521
A number of papers in the last year or two appeared in:
Nature AstronomyNatAst15.647
A few papers have also appeared in the following journals:
Reviews of Modern PhysicsRevMP54.494
Astronomy and Astrophysics ReviewA&ARv37.23
Astronomical JournalAJ6.263
Physics Reports DPRD5.407
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy Sci. China: Phys. Mech. Astron.5.203
Journal of High Energy AstrophysicsJHEAp4.091
Classical and Quantum GravityCQGra3.528
Astroparticle Physics APh2.724
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and SystemsJATIS1.436
Astronomy Letters AstL1.384