


Chapman, S. N. & Lummaa, V. 2024: Grandmother effects over the Finnish demographic transition. Evolutionary Human Sciences 6, e6, 1-12.
DOI: 10.1017/ehs.2023.36

Kanerva, J., Ginter F., Chang L-H., Rastas I., Skantsi V., Kilpeläinen J., Kupari H-M., Piirto A., Saarni J., Sevón M. & Tarkka O. 2024: Towards Diverse and Contextually Anchored Paraphrase Modeling: A Dataset and Baselines for Finnish. Natural Language Engineering 30(2): 319–53. doi: 10.1017/S1351324923000086.

Moilanen, U., & Sahramaa, J. 2024: Exploring materiality and sensory experience through Viking Age reenactment. Time and Mind, 1–18. doi: 10.1080/1751696X.2024.2354831

Rohrlach, A.B., Rivollat, M., de-Miguel-Ibáñez, P., Moilanen, U., Liira, A.-M., Teixeira, J., Roca-Rada, X., Armendáriz-Martija, J., Boyadzhiev, K., Boyadzhiev, Y., Llamas, B., Tiliakou, A., Mötsch, A., Tuke, J., Prevedorou, E.-A., Polychronakou-Sgouritsa, P., Buikstra, J., Onkamo, P., Stockhammer, P. W., Heyne, H. O., Lemke, J. R., Risch, R., Schiffels, S., Krause, J., Haak, W. & Prüfer, K. 2024. Cases of trisomy 21 and trisomy 18 among historic and prehistoric individuals discovered from ancient DNA. Nature Communications 15, 1294 (2024).

Salmela, E. 2024: Suomen varhaiset asukkaatko tummaihoisia? Ihonvärin päättely muinais-DNA:sta
Translated title of the contribution: Did early inhabitants of Finland have dark skin?: Predicting skin colour based on ancient DNA. Kalmistopiiri 13.3.2024

Vesakoski, O., Salmela, E. & Piezonka, H. Uralic archaeolinguistics. In: Oxford Handbook of Archaeology and Language. Robbeets M, Hudson M (eds.), in press.



Chapman, S., Danielsbacka, M., Tanskanen, A. O., Lahdenperä, M., Pettay, J. & Lummaa V. 2023: Grandparental co-residence and grandchild survival: the role of resource competition in a pre-industrial population. Behavioural Ecology 34(3), 446–456. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arad013

De Heer, M., Blokland, R., Dunn, M. & Vesakoski, O. 2023:  Loanwords in basic vocabulary as an indicator of borrowing profiles. Journal of Language Contact, 16: 54-103.

Etu-Sihvola, H., Moilanen, U. & Therus, J. (toim.) 2023. Luihin ja ytimiin: Tutkimuksia ja tulkintoja Euran Luistarin kalmistosta. Sigillum.

Kauppi, J. J., Chapman, S. N., Pettay, J. E., Lahdenperä, M., Lummaa, V. & Loehr, J. 2023: Sex, age, and family structure influence dispersal behaviour after a forced migration.Evolutionary Human Sciences 5, e21. DOI: 10.1017/ehs.2023.16

Moilanen, U. 2023. Ruumishautojen ajoittamisen haasteellisuus –  Tapausesimerkkinä Pälkäneen rauniokirkko. Muinaistutkija 3/2023: 19–35. DOI:

Moilanen, U. & Paasikivi, S. 2023. Esihistoriallisten tartuntatautien ja epidemioiden tutkimusmahdollisuudet Suomessa. Ennen ja nyt – Historian tietosanomat 2/2023. Kulkutautien historiaa:  5–18.

Moilanen, U., & Paasikivi, S. 2023. Source discrepancies in post-medieval archaeology – a case study of crypt burials at Seili church, Finland. Mortality, 1–18.

Nitsch, A., Faurie, C. & Lummaa V. 2023: Sibling competition, dispersal and fitness outcomes in humans. Scientific Reports 13, 7539. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-33700-3

Peltola S, Majander K, Makarov N., Dobrovolskaya M., Nordqvist K, Salmela E. & Onkamo P. 2023: Genetic admixture and language shift in the medieval Volga-Oka interfluve. Current Biology 33(1): 174-182.e10, doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.11.036.

Ross, C. T., Hooper, P. L., Smith, J. E., +100… Pettay, J., Lummaa, V., Helle, S … et al. 2023: Reproductive inequality in humans and other mammals. PNAS 120 (22) e222012412. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2220124120

Salmela E. Mistä suomalaisten perimä on peräisin? [Where do Finns’ genomes originate from?] Invited review in Duodecim 2023, 139: 1247–55.

Ukonaho, S., Chapman, S. N., Briga, M. & Lummaa, V. 2023: Grandmother presence improved grandchild survival against childhood infections but not vaccination coverage in historical Finns. Proc. R. Soc. B 290: 20230690. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.0690

Young, E. A., Chesterton, E., Lummaa, V., Postma, E. & Dugdale, H. L. 2023: The long-lasting legacy of reproduction: lifetime reproductive success shapes expected genetic contributions of humans after 10 generations. Proc R Soc B 290: 20230287. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.0287



Galante L, Lahdenperä M, Rautava S, Pentti J, Ollila H, Tarro S, Vahtera J, Gonzales-Inca C, Kivimäki M, Lummaa V, Lagström H. 2022: Neighborhood Disadvantage, Greenness, and Population Density as Predictors of Breastfeeding Practices: A Population Cohort Study from Finland. Journal of Nutrition 152(7), 1721–1728. DOI: 10.1093/jn/nxac069

Lynch R, Loehr J, Lummaa V, Honkola T, Pettay J, Vesakoski O. 2022: Socio-cultural similarity with host population rather than ecological similarity predicts success and failure of human migrations. Proc. R. Soc. B. 289:1967. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.2298

Moilanen, U., Kirkinen, T., Saari, N. J., Rohrlach, A. B., Krause, J., Onkamo, P. & Salmela, E. 2022: A Woman with a Sword? – Weapon Grave at Suontaka Vesitorninmäki, Finland. European Journal of Archaeology 25: 42–60. doi:10.1017/eaa.2021.30

Rantanen, T., Tolvanen, H., Roose, M., Ylikoski, J. & Vesakoski, O. 2022: Best practices for spatial language data harmonization, sharing and map creation – A case study of Uralic. PLoS ONE 17(6): e0269648.

Rickard I, Vullioud C, Rousset F, Postma E, Helle S, Lummaa V, Kylli R, Pettay J, Røskaft E, Skjærvø GR, Störmer C, Voland E, Waldvogel D, Courtiol A. 2022: Mothers with higher twinning propensity had lower fertility in pre-industrial Europe. Nature Communications 13: 2886. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-30366-9

Ukonaho S, Lummaa V, Briga M. 2022: The Long-Term Success of Mandatory Vaccination Laws After Implementing the First Vaccination Campaign in 19th Century Rural Finland. American Journal of Epidemiology, kwac048. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwac048

Zhang L, Liu J, Lummaa V. 2022: Intention to have a second child, family support and actual fertility behavior in current China: An evolutionary perspective. American Journal of Human Biology. DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.23669


Chapman SN, Lahdenperä M, Pettay JE, Lynch RF, Lummaa V. 2021: Offspring fertility and grandchild survival enhanced by maternal grandmothers in a pre-industrial human society. Scientific Reports 11, 3652. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-83353-3

Ketola T, Briga M, Honkola T, Lummaa V. 2021: Town population size and structuring into villages and households drive infectious disease risks in pre-healthcare Finland. Proc. R. Soc. B 288: 20210356. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.0356

Moilanen, U., Pesonen P., Norvik, M., Saipio, J., Vesakoski, O., Immonen, V. & Onkamo, P. 2021: New tools for studying Finnish archaeology and Uralic languages. Antiquity 95(323), E30.

Nenko I, Chapman SN, Lahdenperä M, Pettay JE, Lummaa V. 2021: Will granny save me? Birth status, survival, and the role of grandmothers in historical Finland. Evolution and Human Behavior. DOI: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2020.11.002

Pettay JE, Lummaa V, Lynch R, Loehr R. 2021: Female-biased sex ratios in urban centers create a “fertility trap” in post-war Finland. Behavioural Ecology, arab007. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arab007