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JuDiCe’s data collection starts with the students!

26.10.2022 - 18.12.2022

Faculty of Law, University of Turku, Finland

In fall 2022 JuDiCe starts the data collection with the students of the course Law and the urban (TLS_0100). The course explores the uneasy relationship between law and different expressions of power in code and (urban) space from a new materialist perspective. The students will be asked to write a daily diary, where they reflect on their experiences of the data-doubles (our digital footprint) in the urban spaces.

In spring 2023 a specialisation course (Looking for justice. Law, power and the digital city) will go more in depth into the topics of how law shapes the design and fruition of urban spaces, and affects individuals’ urban everyday lives; and how the digital influences the emergence of (un)just practices in the urban. The course will be also used to collect data for the project with the students. Stay tuned for more info!