Photo by Pawel Nolbert ( on Unsplash (

A Danish Blend: The Copenhagen Walkshop



A Full-day Walkshop at DIS (Designing Interactive Systems) 24, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1–5 2024.

This full-day two-part walkshop intends to help participants rethink and reimagine their relationship with themselves, with society, and with the environments they live in by introducing them to the concept of blended spaces. The facilitators first take participants on a 3 hours, 4 kilometers walkshop to learn what being immersed in the urban space of Copenhagen can tell us about the relationship between the human body, architectural space, and digital space. Participants engage in activities meant to make them observe, reflect, and discuss how human space in the 21st century is a blend of the physical and the digital. In the afternoon, a mapping and reflection session transforms morning notes into maps to trace how the experience of participants blended (or did not blend) digital and physical, what worked well or did not, where structures provided guidance or engendered confusion, where information was punctual, where it was missing, superabundant, misleading…

Contact: Andrea Resmini
Organisers and facilitators: Andrea Resmini; Dan Klyn; Bertil Lindenfalk; Miriam Tedeschi; Josephine Wong; Daniel Szuc
More info and programme available here: