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Call for Papers. Spatial Justice in Design Research: A Transdisciplinary Discourse

Call for Papers for the Design Research Society (DRS) Conference (Boston, 24th-28th June 2024).
Track number: 116
Submission portal:
Abstracts Due Oct. 31,  2023 (<–new submission date!)
More info:
Jules Rochielle Sievert,
DRS2024 Call for Theme Tracks
Topics: Participatory Design, Transdisciplinary Approaches, Design Activism, Collaboration, Design Futures, Design and Behaviour Change
Keywords: Spatial Justice, Design Research,
Transdisciplinary Discourse, Digital (in)justice

Spatial Justice in Design Research: A Transdisciplinary Discourse

Our research track, “Spatial Justice in Design Research: A Transdisciplinary Discourse,” embarks on an in-depth exploration of spatial justice, interweaving its multifaceted elements with broader themes of social, racial, economic, and environmental justice. This comprehensive approach probes spatial justice through its tangible embodiments and digital manifestations, underlining its profound influence on resource allocation, opportunities, and service provision.

With an ambitious goal to challenge systemic socio-economic imbalances, the track formulates tangible design interventions, incorporating policy reform, urban planning, and community empowerment. We foster a collaborative environment, inviting a spectrum of professionals – designers, technologists, researchers, legal advocates, and policymakers – to jointly address spatial disparities and engineer innovative strategies to foster spatial justice.

Through an array of case studies, ideations, and critical reflections, we intend to illustrate the application and impact of transdisciplinary strategies across diverse settings and contexts. Our platform aspires to ignite intellectually stimulating discussions, catalyze cross-disciplinary collaborations, and advocate for spatial justice in design on a global scale.

Spatial Justice in Design Research: A Transdisciplinary Discourse,” embarks on an in-depth exploration of spatial justice! For more details see the Call for Papers attached below.

Track Chairs:
● Dr. Miriam Tedeschi, an Academy of Finland PostDoc Researcher at the Faculty of Law,
is also a Docent in human geography at the Department of Geography and Geology,
University of Turku
● Dr. Amalia Verdu Sanmartin, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) Postdoctoral
Researcher, Law
● Sarah Kanouse, Associate Professor of Media Arts, College of Art Media and Design,
Northeastern University
● Jules Rochielle Sievert, Creative Director, NuLawLab, Northeastern University School of
Law and Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Student College Of Art, Media, and Design. Jules was
an Ambassador for Health Equity at Policy Link.

Call for Papers – Spatial Justice in Design Research: A Transdisciplinary Discourse