Handbook published: New European Bauhaus self-assessment method and tool

This handbook provides a complete guide to the New European Bauhaus self-assessment method, designed to promote sustainability, beauty, and inclusiveness in the built environment of Europe and beyond. The handbook comes together with an online tool allowing to evaluate the performance of projects and support their improvement. The online tool is seen as the basis to establish a dialogue between all involved stakeholders, and the grounds for defining minimum performance levels within the New European Bauhaus framework.
Drawing from the work on spatial and data justice within JuDiCe, Miriam Tedeschi has contributed to the part on inclusive accessibility.

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Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Lourenço, P., Maloutas, T., Santamouris, M., Widera, B., Ansaloni, F., Balaras, C., Katuric, I., Kolokotsa, D., Rossetto, T., Senatore, G., Tomaszewicz, A., Medeiros, E., Gkatzogias, K., Pohoryles, D., Romano, E., Acri, M., Becerik-Gerber, B., Bisello, A., Campbell, A., Canelas, P., Cimellaro, G.P., Cotella, G., Dimoudi, A., Istrati, D., Jokilehto, J.I., Lagaros, N., Manley, E., Menteşe, E.Y., Moro, A., Potluka, O., Rivera, F., Roupas, C., Ruge, P., Sadia, T., Salihbegovic, A., Salwa, M., Skovgaard Nielsen, R., Stefanakis, A., Tedeschi, M., Torabi Moghadam, S., Tulumello, S., Van Der Zwet, A., & Vecco, M. (2024). A practical guide to the New European Bauhaus self-assessment method and tool. Gkatzogias, K., Romano, E., & Negro, P. (eds.). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

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