Ernströmgruppens Academic Grant – 10 000€

20.06.2024 - 15.09.2024

Opportunity to apply for a 10 000€ grant! 🔥 Are you a student of University of Turku and have an idea, project or startup to tackle circular economy challenges?

Apply for Ernströmgruppens Academic Grant to put your idea into practice.

Ernströmgruppens Academic Grant is targeted to degree students at the University of Turku who are working on ideas, projects or startups focusing on addressing circular economy challenges in an entrepreneurial manner.

Ernströmgruppen is a family business with a legacy of development and change in its genes. For over 100 years, Ernströmgruppen has been transforming new ideas into successful businesses, specializing in technology, trade, and industry.

Application period is 20.6.–15.9. 2024 and more details can be found at:

Ernströmgruppens Academic Grant

Should you have any questions on this grant, please don’t hesitate to contact Sari Stenvall-Virtanen (, 040 501 3757) for further advice.

If you need sparring with your idea, Lauri Koittola (, the Executive Director and Head Coach of Boost Turku is happy to help you.