The seminar
The seminar Methods in cultural and intellectual history (Europe, Scandinavia) is organised by Charlotta Wolff, professor of Finnish history at the University of Turku, and Johanna Ilmakunnas, professor of Nordic history at the Åbo Akademi University, as a cooperation between the two universities. The objective of the seminar is to promote historical research by exploring new methods and cross-disciplinary approaches within cultural and intellectual history. The seminar convenes six times a year online and is open to all interested researchers regardless of their status or affiliation.
For more information and to receive the Zoom link, please contact Professor Charlotta Wolff or Professor Johanna Ilmakunnas.
Programme 2025
13 February
Jari Eloranta, University of Helsinki
Big data ja kvantitatiivinen historiantutkimus
13 March
Rebecka Lennartsson, Stockholm City Museum
Glömda, gömda stadsrum och ansikten utan historia. Urbana kulturarv, digitala metoder
10 April
Hannu Salmi, University of Turku
Machine-Reading and Meaning-Making: Rethinking Cultural History in the Digital Age
9 October
Kate Smith, University of Birmingham
Keeping Hold. A Cultural and Social History of Possession in Eighteenth-Century Britain
13 November
Louis Delpech, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg
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11 December
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Main picture: Elias Martin, View of Paris from the Embankment beneath the Pont Neuf, 1766–1768, Nationalmuseum, photo Hans Thorwid, public domain.