Co-creation of a violence risk assessment and management tool DASA-YEV for juveniles with mental health needs and risk for violent behaviour
Tella Lantta
RN, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Senior Researcher and University Lecturer
Tel.: +358504756068
Email: tella.lantta@utu.fi
Adjunct Associate Professor
Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science
Swinburne University of Technology, AUSTRALIA
Laura Väätäinen
Maiju Björkqvist
Veikko Pelto-Piri
Michael Daffern
Minna Anttila
The main goal of this study is to create a new practical and research-based tool to help staff assess and manage the risk of violence together with juveniles with mental health needs. The new tool DASA-YEV (Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression – Youth Engagement Version) will be based on DASA-P and DASA-YV instruments. Risk management will be guided by best practices of non-coercive methods (e.g. Aggression Prevention Protocol from eDASA+APP by Maguire et el. 2019).
- Methods and outcomes of assessing and managing the risk of violence in a juvenile institutional environment – a systematic literature review.
- Co-creation and modifying DASA-YV and DASA-P to Finnish juvenile institutional care context.
- Develop a new dynamic violence risk assessment and management tool DASA-YEV for the juvenile institutional environment.
- Evaluate the impact of the new DASA-YEV tool on the prevention of youth violence in juvenile institutional environments – a feasibility quasi-experimental study.
- Digitalization and testing effectiveness of DASA-YEV.
- This study will produce an evidence-based method which promotes juveniles’ engagement in their own care, and supports their capability to self-control and reinforces therapeutic alliance with professionals.
- Scientific information on the current practices and development needs of risk assessment and management of violence, as well as on the co-creation process.
- Örebro University, Sweden
- Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
- Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa
- Niuvanniemi Hospital
- Humana, Telakka, juvenile detention centre
Mental Health Blueskies, University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine