October 18, 2023: New Statistics – Geoff Cumming

Our Open Science Community has been established because we want to learn how we can make substantial changes in how we conduct research. This involves learning about new requirements to ensure research integrity, and to shift from reliance on Null-Hypothesis-Significance testing to other preferred techniques, such as estimation based on effect sizes, confidence intervals and meta-analyses.

On April 18th, our Ambassador Dr. Oskari Lahtinen organized a brown bag session on new statistics. Various topics were covered, such as understanding what the p-value actually is, p-hacking, meta-analyses, effect sizes, and confidence intervals. Oskari presented about the work of Geoff Cumming, an expert in new statistics. The meeting resulted in a very lively discussion, it was very inspiring to hear various perspectives on this topic.

The brown bag session can be seen as an “appetizer”, as on October 18, we will have a presentation of Prof. Geoff Cumming himself! The title of his presentation will be:

Open Science and The New Statistics: Towards a More Trustworthy Research Literature

The presentation will take place at 10.00 AM Finnish time, which is 23.00 Australian time. A recording of the presentation will be found here.