March 5, 2024: Open Science Day

Open Science is increasingly the norm in science. On March 5th, 2024, we will organize a big Open Science Day in collaboration with INVEST, and the University of Turku. This activity is open to researchers and students from all faculties and academic levels, from the University of Turku, Åbo Akademi, and beyond. People from practice are also very welcome to attend. The preliminary program can be found below. Please subscribe before February 25th via this link!


Program Open Science Day

8.30 – 9.00 Walk in and coffee

9:00 – 9.20: What is Open Science and Why is it important? (Dr. Lydia Laninga-Wijnen, University of Turku)

9.20 – 10.30 : Open Science for Scientists and Opening Science for Non-Scientists (Dr. Smriti Mehta, University of California, Berkeley)

10.30 – 10.50: Pre-registration and Registered Reports: New Developments in the Field (Dr. Lydia Laninga-Wijnen, University of Turku)

10.50 – 11:05: Introduction to Open Science Policies, Services and Training (Laura Niemi, Developmental Specialist, Lassi Toppinen, Information Specialist, University of Turku, Malin Fredriksson, Leading Coordinator, Open Science, Åbo Akademi University Library)

11.05 – 11:20: Responsible researcher assessment (Laura Niemi, University of Turku)


11.20 – 12.30 Lunch time (Bring or buy your own lunch!)


12.30 – 12.45: Open peer review (Dr. Lydia Laninga-Wijnen, University of Turku)

12.45 – 13.15: FAIR Data management (Head of Library Services, Jukka Rantasaari, Service Manager Simo Keuramo from Digital Services and data protection officer Onerva Steudle from legal services)

13.15 – 13.35: How to design research according to the principles of FAIR and open data (Lise Eriksson, Abo Academy, Turku)

13.35 – 14.00: The Open Knowledge movement – how do we protect and improve the global digital commons? (Janne Peltola, the General Executive Director of OKFi)
14.00 – 17.00: Interactive workshop about Citizen Science (Dr. Ties Fakkel, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands) – breaks will be organized in between –  coffee & bun provided


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