Join us!

We warmly welcome new members to join our community.

The community uses Slack as a discussion platform. All members will be added to the Slack platform to #investoscu channel.

Register as a member via the registration form.

INVEST OS Membership Form

Become an Open Science Ambassador

The INVEST Open Science Ambassadors are the way to take Open Science forward, providing institutional leadership for Open Science. The OS Ambassador acts as an advocate for Open Science at the research centre and ecosystem level and a trusted advisor, who takes care of the concerns of the INVEST community – researchers, staff, students – considering the difference between the disciplines and urging for flexibility since one size does not fit all.

The INVEST Open Science Community Coordinators will gather the INVEST OS Ambassadors to act as a forum

  • for the exchange of ideas and identification of best practices – drawing on the detailed knowledge and insight of the INVEST thematic research groups,
  • for collaboration between INVEST members to identify possible ways forward – which they are free to choose or otherwise,
  • to address new themes that rise and which require support and joint action.

Apply for an INVEST Open Science Ambassador status via the application form. We will contact you after we have evaluated your application.

INVEST OS Ambassador Form