Comprehensive schools as centres of learning and well-being
The research project “Comprehensive schools as centres of learning and well-being in Turku” is conducted within the Turku Urban Research Programme and it is a collaboration between the University of Turku’s Centre for Lifelong Learning and Education (CELE), and Tampere University’s Research Centre for Education, Assessment and Learning (REAL) and the Research Group on Children’s and Adolescents’ Health Promotion (NEDIS).
The research project investigates pupil selection and grouping inside formally uniform comprehensive schooling in urban context.
It aims to study;
1) how wide pupils’ selection is, and what kind of intake criteria is used in the city of Turku (through document and register data analyses) and
2) the learning outcomes and their segregation within and between schools, and how these relate to various wellbeing and school related factors among one age cohort in three stages; first at the end of the 6th grade, at age of 12, yr. 2023, second at the midd-7th grade, at age of 13, yr.2023, and third at the midd-8th grade, at age of 14, yr. 2024 (longitudinal survey data).