Plant invasions and population dynamics
Biological invasions are identified as one of the major threats to biomes. Climatic variability and human-induced habitat changes are expected to increase the number of invasive alien species in the ecosystems, necessitating a more detailed understanding of the invasion process to minimise future invasions. Plants are forming a significant part of all invasive species and therefore, several hypotheses have been proposed to explain their success, such as release from natural enemies in the introduced range.
We examine factors that may be critical to plant invasions by combining manipulative experiments, modern molecular tools, and demographic models. We are particularly interested in invasive species management, and the roles of soil microbiota, phenotypic plasticity, and herbivory in plant invasions.
Satu Ramula
Department of Biology
University of Turku
20014 Turku
email: satu.ramula(at)
Research Council of Finland 2020-2024 (#331046) for the project “Going belowground to curb plant invasions”