Photo Hanna Oksanen
Saija Saarni
Associate Professor in applied environmental geology
Ask me about aquatic sediments from both lake and estuarine systems, paleoclimate, microplastic pollution, and environmental change, field monitoring and micro-XRF methodologies
Read more: Science of the changing sea
Microplastics in the mud: Finnish lake sediments help us get to the bottom of plastic pollution.

Ask me about tephrochronology, geochronology, lacustrine sediments, Icelandic volcanism and micro-XRF methodologies

Ask me about varves, lacustrine and marine sediments, past and recent environmental and climate change, hypoxia, phosphorus

Ask me about diatom assemblages from fresh and brackish water environments

Ask me about paleolimnology, paleoecology, diatoms, eutrophication and naturally eutrophic boreal lakes

Ask me about paleolimnology; mine environments; diatoms; meromictic lakes

Ask me about lacustrine and marine sediment, paleoclimate, subaquatic hypoxia, Fennoscandian sea-level change, XRF geochemical data

Ask me about diatom, seasonal succession, sediment trap, paleoceanography, microfossils

Ask me about microplastic and Baltic Sea sediments and sedimentation

Ask me about microplastics, marine geology, sedimentology, coastal geography, DIWA, Baltic Sea
MSc Students
Team member over the years
Antti Sainio, MSc Student