Congratulations to survey winners and welcome to our workshops!

We are happy to share that the “Smart City: Smart Linnanniemi area” survey received 157 responses all together!

The research team of Smart Port City would like to thank everyone who answered to our survey! Your time and feedback are immensely valuable to us!

The winners of the K-group gift card have been drawn and contacted personally. Congratulations to the winners!

As we progress, our project will continue next year with workshops involving various stakeholders, including city inhabitants. These workshops will serve as collaborative platforms for discussions about the future Turku waterfront and how digitalization could support its development.

In case you are interested to participate and contribute to our workshops, please send us an e-mail to the address: smartportcity(a) and we will get in touch with you in due course prior to the workshops.

As the holiday season approaches, we want to take the opportunity to wish you all a Joyous and Peaceful Christmas!