13.5.2024 Symposium: Literature/Language/Power

Literature/Language/Power: Challenging Linguistic and Cultural Injustice in Social Work and Healthcare

Symposium on Monday, May 13, 12:15-15:00

Where? Arcanum, A267, University of Turku and Zoom

The seminar explores the intersections of care, inequality, language, and culture from different perspectives, from social work and healthcare to literature and reading groups.

The seminar is organized by the project Words for Care: Literature, Healthcare and Democracy (Kone Foundation, 2024–2026).



Viola Parente-Čapková & Riitta Jytilä, University of Turku: Opening

Jenny Paananen, University of Turku: Linguistic Vulnerability in Healthcare



13:10-13:30 Break



Kris Clarke, University of Helsinki: Decolonizing Social Work Pedagogy in Finland

Kaiju Harinen, University of Turku: Intersectionality and Linguistic Otherness – Anti-racist Reading Groups and French as a Foreign Language


Chair: Anna Ovaska, Tampere University



Words for Care: Literature, Healthcare and Democracy (Kone Foundation) / Research Centre for Culture and Health, University of Turku in collaboration with Narrare: Centre for Interdisciplinary Narrative Studies, Tampere University & Uniarts Helsinki

About Words for Care:

Words for Care investigates the potential of literature and reading groups to enhance social inclusion, diversity and cultural, linguistic and narrative competence in multilingual healthcare and social work. It integrates the perspectives of narrative medicine and cultural language learning.

Project members: Viola Parente-Čapková (PI), Laura Karttunen, Niina Kekki, Riitta Jytilä, Anna Ovaska, Elina Renko, Alexandra Salmela, Sonja Sulkava & Jussi Valtonen

Contact and registration:

Registration for this hybrid symposium is now open. Register for online participation here (https://bit.ly/symposium1305). If you plan to attend in person, please send an email to anna.ovaska[at]tuni.fi