Privacy Notice

SYNDATE Collaborator and Stakeholder Registry

1. Data controllers

This is a joint register where the controllers are:

University of Turku
FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland

Turku University of Applied Sciences
Joukahaisenkatu 3
20520 Turku

The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland
Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8
20520 Turk

Turku Science Park Ltd.
Joukahaisenkatu 3
20520 Turku

The joint controllers determine the purposes and means of personal data processing in a collaborative manner. The contact person specified in Section 5 acts as the contact point for any enquiries related to the personal data processing. To fulfill any requests within the data subject’s rights, the contact person shall forward the message to the representatives of other organizations acting as joint controllers.

2. Purpose of processing data

We will collect the data to keep a list of project’s collaborators and interested stakeholders. The data will be used for three main purposes:

1) implementing project activities such as workshops and other events
2) dissemination, communication and exploitation activities
3) monitoring the targeted impacts, including reports to the funder

We may also use the data to collect supporting information, feedback or collaboration requests. Providing any of this information is voluntary.

3. Legal basis for processing data

The processing of personal data is based on the consent given by the data subject (see Article 6 paragraph 1a of the EU General Data Protection Regulation).

4. Processed personal data

The personal data will be provided by the data subjects themselves by filling in an online questionnaire or a registration form. Providing information through these forms is voluntary.

 The data subjects are asked to fill in their contact information (name, email, phone number) and some background information on the organization they represent (name, type, data subject’s role, registered office and the number of employees).

Additional information may be requested on an as-needed basis (e.g. food allergies for an event with catering services).

As the personal data is also used for reporting the project outcomes and impact, the retention period extends to 1 year after the end of the project. Based on the estimated project duration, the retention period will end in March 2026.

All personal data will be processed in confidentiality by the joint controllers. The joint controllers will not share personal data with third parties unless this is required for project implementation, for example when purchasing services for event management.

We do not transfer data to third countries outside EU/EEA.

Your personal data will not be used for profiling or automated decision-making.

5. Contact person

Tinja Pitkämäki, Project coordinator, University of Turku (

6. Rights of data subjects

You have the right to acc​ess your personal data retained by the the Data Controller, the right to rectification or erasure of data, and the right to restrict and object the processing of data.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

7. Further information:

Data Protection Officer of the University of Turku:

Principles for the protection of personal data:


Document history:

19.5.2023 Original version published