
Stephen Bocking

Stephen Bocking is Professor Emeritus of Environmental History at Trent University and an expert on Canadian environmental history.

Andy Bruno

Andy Bruno is Professor of Russian History at Indiana University. He has studied the significance of winter in Russian and Soviet history.

Dominic Collet

Dominic Collet is Professor of Environmental and Climate History at the University of Oslo. Collet’s research focuses on the interaction between climate and culture.

Georgina Enfield

Georgina Enfield is a pioneering researcher on the cultural history of winter in England and Professor at the University of Lievorpool.

Santiago Gorostiza

Santiago Gorostiza (Autonomous University of Barcelona) has studied both the sociological history of the Spanish Civil War and offers a southern European perspective on the history of winter.

Julia Herzberg

Julia Herzberg has studied the history of snow and ice during the Cold War in both the West and the East. She is Professor of History at the University of Leipzig

Mike Hulme

Mike Hulme, Professor of Geography at Cambridge University, is a climate research pioneer, who specialises in the study of the relationship between climate and culture.

Vladimir Jankovic

Vladimir Jankovic is a Reader at the University of Manchester and has long studied human attempts to come to terms with weather scientifically, culturally and socially.

Sam White

Sam White is Professor of Political History at the University of Helsinki. His research on climate history includes the impact of the Little Ice Age on the Ottoman Empire and early American settlers. White is one of the editors of The Palgrave Handbook of Climate History (2018).