Annukka Pietikäinen | I am a Clinical microbiologist (sairaalamikrobiologi) at the department of Clinical microbiology at Turku University Hospital, and a specialist…
Tero Klemola | Docent, I am a university lecturer of ecology at the department of biology, university of Turku, where I have focused…
Jessica Tikkala | Doctoral Researcher, At present, I am a specializing physician at the department of Clinical microbiology at Turku University Hospital. I have…
Pekka Kolehmainen | I am a research specialist in virology at the University of Turku, contributing as a member of a dynamic…
Jukka Alinikula | Docent, I am an adjunct professor of immunobiology at the University of Turku, where my team and I focus on…
Jukka Hytönen | Professor, MD, I am the professor of bacteriology at University of Turku, and also the chief physician in Clinical microbiology laboratory…