Faculty tour to explore researchers’ expectations
The University of Turku is launching university-level activities to involve citizens in research through the establishment of a citizen research panel.
Before building the panel, the Science Belongs to Everyone! project team will carry out a so-called faculty tour to explore faculty- and discipline-specific ideas and needs for the citizen research panel and related training sessions.
Each faculty will host an event where the concept of the citizen research panel will be introduced, and interested researchers can share and develop their ideas. What do researchers in each faculty hope for from the citizen research panel? How could they use it in their own research? How could it best meet their needs?
The input gathered during the faculty tour will guide the development of the initiative to create a well-functioning tool for both researchers and citizens.
Join us to share your ideas and learn more! See below for details on your faculty’s event.
Faculty tour schedule:
Faculty of Law: Thursday, 30 January (Research Lunch Meeting), 12:00–13:00, journal reading room + Zoom https://utu.zoom.us/j/66115936245.
Faculty of Social Sciences: Friday, 31 January (as part of the Faculty Forum), 12:15–14:00, PUB4 (Publicum) + Zoom https://utu.zoom.us/j/64391657529.
Faculty of Medicine: Monday, 10 February (Research Faculty Meeting), 15:15–16:30, Lauren 2 (Medisiina D) + Zoom https://utu.zoom.us/j/65714163212.
Faculty of Education: Tuesday, 11 February, 14:15–15:30 Zoom: https://utu.zoom.us/j/64621267413
Faculty of Science: Thursday, 13 February, 14:15–15:30, Natura XIV + Zoom https://utu.zoom.us/j/61431111554
Faculty of Technology: Wednesday, 26 February 13:15–14:30 Quantum Auditorium + Zoom https://utu.zoom.us/j/63068398521
Turku School of Economics: Tuesday, 4 March, 13:15–14:30, LähiTapiola lecture hall + Zoom https://utu.zoom.us/j/65525553826
Faculty of Humanities: Wednesday, 5 March, 10.15–11.45 Arcanum B243 + Zoom https://utu.zoom.us/j/63314022218