
Check our front page for upcoming talks and events!

Academic Events

22 November 2024, University of Turku, Department of Cultural History. Reetta Humalajoki and Alice Baroni gave presentations on the theme of ‘Settler Solidarity’. Alice outlined themes and findings from her dissertation research at the Geneva Graduate Institute and Reetta presented plans and some early findings related to the WHISOL project.

9 November 2024, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Reetta Humalajoki gave a keynote lecture titled ‘Settler Memory and Indigenous Solidarity’ at the event ‘Historical Knowledge and the World’s Problems: A Two-Part Workshop on Historical Research and Teaching Facing Today’s Politics.’

8 June 2024, Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference, Bådåddjo/Buvvda/Bodø, Norway. Reetta Humalajoki participated in a roundtable discussion titled ‘Indigenous Internationalism: New Perspectives, Wider Views’.

Public Engagement

4 December 2024, University of Turku, School of History, Culture, and Arts Studies. Alice Baroni gave a public lecture related to her dissertation research, titled ‘Israeli activism, Zionism, and the Decolonization of Palestine.’

29 October 2024, Orion Cinema, Helsinki. Alice Baroni moderated a debate organized by Historians Without Borders on colonialism in Israel-Palestine.