Spin valves

Spin valve is one of the basic components of spintronics, which is generally used for testing the usability of new materials. Typically it contains two magnetic thin films with an non-magnetic layer in between. The resistance of the device can be changes by changing the magnetization directions of the magnetic layers. We have made a spin valve with cobalt as one of the electrodes and Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskite as the other. The non-magnetic layer is made of an organic semiconductor.

Double perovskites are materials, where two different perovskite structures alternate. We use mostly Sr2FeMoO6 (SFMO) materia, where iron and molybdenum materials alternate. The Curie-temperature of SFMO, i.e. the temperature below which it is magnetic, is well above room temperature, so devices made from SFMO can be used without special atmospheres. Furthermore, SFMO is fully spin-polarized, which means that all the charge carriers have the same spin direction. This enables the use of spin almost as charge is used in conventional semiconducting electronics. Also other double perovskites have similar properties, and therefore we are also searching for new materials, which could surpass SFMO.

Grant for PhD student in research of SFMO spin-valves. The grant recipient will conduct research of  SFMO/organic semiconductor/Co spin-valve structures and optimize the properties of the SFMO bottom layer. The grant will be awarded for the period 15.3.2024-14.6.2024. Successful applicant will be awarded a sum of 1700 €/month. Candidates should have previous experience on the field. The candidate should not have an employment contract to the University of Turku. Applications should be directed to the project leader Petriina Paturi (petriina.paturi@utu.fi) no later than 11.3.2024.