Winter School of Multilingualism, European Languages and Societies, March 13-17, 2023
University of Turku organizes, with the participation of EC2U-partner universities, a week-long event on March 13-17, 2023: “Winter School of Multilingualism, European Languages and Societies”. The Winter School focuses on the following themes:
- less taught languages
- language policy
- local multilingualism
- multilingual spaces
Other related topics can also be proposed.
Combining many aspects of sociolinguistics, the present Winter School aims at providing the students with an understanding of the manyfold phenomena as well as an insight to contemporary research interests in the field. To researchers it offers a possibility to interact and to establish contact with other researchers in the field. The Winter School thus strongly promotes future co-operation in research.
The Winter School consists of a live event with:
- lectures by plenary speakers,
- presentations by researchers,
- a panel discussion,
- workshops for both undergraduate students and doctoral researchers and
- activities also outside of the classroom (a guided walk in the linguistic landscape of the city of Turku and a guided tour in the castle of Turku revealing multilingualism in history).
In addition, two virtual meetings are organized:
- February 27: to distribute practical information about the Winter School and
- early April (the definite date will be decided at the Winter School): to give doctoral researchers a possibility to reflect on what they have learned with a senior researcher, and to encourage co-tutelles.
Languages of the Winter School are English, French and German.
Students may receive up to 5 ECTS by active participation at the Winter School.
It is possible to offer a presentation until January 25, 2023 by using a Webpropol questionary. abstracts for the chosen presentations are to be sent to Tiina Tuominiemi ( by January 31, 2023.