Call for papers

CALL FOR PAPERS for undergraduate and doctoral students


University of Turku, March 13- 17, 2023

The first decades of the 21st century have been characterised by increasing urbanization and migration. The new, multilingual realities raise issues concerning sustainability, linguistic and cultural identities and linguistic policies that deal with new challenges in the social and lingual environment. Louis-Jean Calvet (2002) has described this new lingual environment in the metaphorical terms of trade marché aux langues, which reveals the unstable and changing “value” that different languages have as “currencies” in different social contexts. However, the evolution of our lingual environment should not be considered as straightforward dependency on stable power relations, but also as development guided by multiple political, ideologic and social interventions (Calvet 2017). To these interventions we will turn our minds during the Winter School.

The present Winter School will examine multilingualism and language contact in the European context and beyond. It will focus on the following themes: less taught languages, multilingual language practices, local multilingualism, multilingualism in organizations, and multilingual spaces as well as language policies. However, the range of topics is not limited to these. The papers may also cover other aspects of multilingual language use, such as urbanization, migration and transnational language practices.

Planned mainly to meet with needs of undergraduate students and doctoral researchers, the presentations and the workshops at the Winter School aim to give the participants an understanding of these phenomena as well as concrete methods and ideas for carrying out individual research projects. The Winter School consists of:

  • common sessions (in English) and parallel sessions with presentations (in French and German)
  • workshops:
    • The participants will have a chance to receive comments on their research papers (max. 10 pages) which will be discussed at workshop sessions. The paper can be a first version of a chapter for a master’s thesis or an article to be published. You can also propose a specific theme for a workshop. Deadline for sending a paper is January 31.
  • a hands-on session on linguistic landscapes: a guided walk during which we pay close attention to specific linguistic features visible or audible in the city of Turku.
  • a panel discussion
  • virtual sessions before and after the Winter School that will give the participants a clear idea of what to expect and a possibility to reflect upon what they have learned.
  • preparatory reading: distributed in Moodle for the accepted students

We now invite students (undergraduate students and Ph.D students) to apply at the Winter School. The application form is a short Webropol questionnaire (see link below, under “Practical information”). In the Webropol questionnaire, please indicate whether

  • you wish to give a presentation (give a preliminary title of your presentation) or whether
  • you wish to participate in the workshop (submitting a paper; indicate the length of your paper and its’ title).
  • You can also indicate if you have other wishes (for example if you wish to discuss a research idea).

If you wish to submit a paper for the workshop, please send it to Tiina Tuominiemi ( by January 31.

The call for the Winter School is ongoing, ending on January 25. The first phase to accept students is December 14; the second is January 25. The accepted students will receive a letter of acceptance and further information immediately after the above-mentioned dates.


Practical information:

Date: March 13 – 17, 2023

Location: University of Turku, Finland

Format: live event

Languages: English, French, German


  • less taught languages
  • language policy
  • local multilingualism
  • multilingual spaces

Other related topics can also be proposed.


  • Application in two phases: December 14 AND January 25
  • Paper: January 31

Organizers: University of Turku together with the universities of Poitiers and Salamanca

Contact: Tiina Tuominiemi

Link to Webropol:


Ammon, Ulrich 2015 : Die Stellung der deutschen Sprache in der Welt. Berlin/München/Boston: De Gruyter.

Busch, Brigitta 2013: Mehrsprachigkeit. Wien: Facultas.

Calvet, Louis-Jean 2002: La marché aux langues. Les effets linguistiques de la mondialisation. Paris : Plon.

Calvet, Louis-Jean 2017: Les langues: quel avenir ? Les effets linguistiques de la mondialisation. Paris : Biblis.

Chaudenson, Robert (éd.) 2000 : L’Europe parlera-t-elle anglais demain ?. Institut de la Francophonie/L’Harmattan.

Klinkenberg, Jean-Marie 2020 : Votre langue est à vous. Quarante ans de la politique linguistique en Belgique francophone. Louvain-La-Neuve : EME éditions.

Marten, Heiko F. 2016 : Sprach(en)politik: eine Einführung. Tübingen: Narr.

Matticchio, Isabelle & Melchior, Luca 2021: Mehrsprachigkeit am Arbeitsplatz. Berlin: Frank & Tiime.