Laura Ekblad

Laura is a medical doctor who received her medical degree from the University of Turku. She started working at the Turku PET Centre in 2013 and obtained her PhD on “Insulin Resistance, Cognition and Brain Amyloid Accumulation” in 2018.

She continued her research both at the Turku PET Centre and as a postdoctoral researcher at the Amsterdam Alzheimer Centre, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In Amsterdam she studied the association between CSF proteomics and cortical thickness in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease.

Laura’s research interests include early risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and especially the association between insulin resistance and early cerebral changes of AD. She also runs a project on possible cardiac side effects of anti-dementia agents in elderly memory clinic patients. She is currently supervising three PhD students and divides her working hours between clinical work at the local Geriatric Memory Clinic and conducting research at the Turku PET Centre.


Twitter @LauraEkblad

Funding: Paulo Foundation, Diabetes Research Foundation, Emil Aaltonen Foundation, Sigrid Juselius Foundation, Finnish Medical Foundation, Juho Vainio Foundation