Sharp computer, 1982. Photo: Lusto – The Finnish Forest Museum / CC BY 4.0.

Instructions for presentations

The 3rd Artefacta Conference on 16–17 February will host presentations in Turku and online. All presentations will be streamed via Zoom. The Zoom links will be sent to registered participants and members of the audience before the conference.

The format of the sessions and presentations is the same for all. Each session will comprise three papers, and each presentation has a 30-minute slot. The paper will take 20 minutes, and it will be followed by a 10-minute Q&A. The session chairs and conference assistants will help you in keeping with the schedule.

If you have a PowerPoint, PDF or other kind of digital presentation, bring it with you on a USB stick. Alternatively you can use, e.g., a Dropbox link to download the presentation file to the computer in the lecture room. Ideally, all presentations should be saved to the computer at the beginning of the session. Our conference assistants will be there to help you with the practicalities.

If you have any questions about the presentation and IT, please do not hesitate to contact us.

(Photo: Sharp computer, 1982. Photo: Lusto – The Finnish Forest Museum / CC BY 4.0.)