Wednesday 19th March
– Session 1
9:15 | Opening words |
9:30 | Mark Spa East or West, Where Does Morbidity Manifest? Spatial Patterns of Historical Death Causes in Finland |
9:45 | Waqar Khalid Bed-form Dynamics and Morphological Changes in a Meandering River: A Case study of the Pulmanki River, Finland |
10:00 | Sanna Pausio Top-Down or Bottom-Up: The Impact of Resource Environment and Predation on Bacterial Community Assembly and Resilience |
10:15 | Somnath Chindhe Genetic adaptations towards past epidemics and infectious diseases in the Finnish human population |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00 | Constantina Georgiade Forest grouse species in the vicinity of wind turbines |
11:15 | Leticia Duarte Howling Against the Wind: Assessing the Impact of Wind Energy Development on Finnish Wolves Using Acoustic Monitoring |
11:30 | Akanksha Ingale Understanding Public Perception of Invasive Species: The Role of Social Conditions |
11:45 | Sewwandi Alwis Diet and reproductive success in birds exposed to metal pollution: A DNA metabarcoding study |
12:00 – 13:00 | Lunch break |
– Session 2
13:00 | Keynote speaker: Fred Krüger Thinking Green Future Cities – Towards Just, Sustainable, Climate Change and Disaster-resilient Urban Environment |
14.00-14:30 | Coffee break |
14:30 | Akseli Tolvi Landscape Approach and GeoAI in Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage |
14:45 | Antti Hynni Uncovering barriers to circular economy in agriculture – a case from Southwest Finland |
15:00 | Inka Kuusisto Vegetation changes in high-elevation high-latitude mountain |
15:15 | Giorgio Zavattoni Management and threats of Natura 2000 protected areas and their relationships to agricultural Practices |
15:30 | Leonie Jonas The Potential of Conservation Measures to facilitate Waterbird Responses to Climate Warming |
15:45 | Karen C. Tse Parental care and male plumage coloration are linked to hatching (a)synchrony in the pied flycatcher |
16:00 | Poster session (with bubbly drinks) |