AURA Symposium 2023

The next edition of AURA Symposium will happen in 2025

The AURA (Aboa Universities Research Advances) Symposium is a biennially organized two-day research and learning event for PhD and Master’s students. The Symposium is organized jointly by PhD students from the University of Turku (UTU) and Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU).

The objective of the symposium is to provide a forum for PhD students from primarily UTU and ÅAU, but also other Finnish universities, to present and discuss their research and to practice talking to a broad audience. Furthermore, participants will hear inspirational presentations from four invited keynote speakers.

Following the end of the global pandemic, AURA 2023 was hosted in person.

Participation is cost-free and open for all researchers from all areas of biology, geography, and geology. Preference for presentation is given to PhD and Master’s students who are enrolled in Finnish universities. Presenting in the symposium will be rewarded with 2 ECTS and participation with 1 ECTS (more information on the Abstract Submission-page).

Abstract submission closed on March 1st. The symposium was held on 30th and 31st March at Auditorium Armfelt, Arken.

Héloïse Moullec was awarded the best oral presentation and Elina Tuomikoski was awarded the best poster.


Keynote speakers


Laura Kauppi
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
University of Helsinki

Ari Lehtinen
Department of Geographical and Historical Studies
University of Eastern Finland


Jan-Åke Nilsson
Evolutionary Ecology
Life History and Functional Ecology
Lund University

Tom Jilbert
Associate Professor
Ecosystems and Environment Research Program
University of Helsinki


AURA Symposium 2023 sponsors: