CSHIPP – Projects together for Clean Shipping


Riitta Pöntynen,
Senior Project Manager,
Brahea Centre at the University of Turku, Centre for Maritime Studies,

Clean shipping is promoted and developed by many projects within the Baltic Sea area. The projects approach the issue from different perspectives of the environmental impacts of shipping: emissions to air and water, environmental regulations and tools available for complying with the regulations. CSHIPP aims to find synergies between the partner projects and organisations and synthesize the results.

CSHIPP is a new form of co-operation supported by the EU BSR Interreg Programme, a project platform, which compiles together seven clean shipping projects: EnviSuM, BONUS SHEBA, ECOPRODIGI, GoLNG, BalticLines, BSR Electric and Smartup Accelerator.  The EU BSR Interreg has financed the projects except BONUS SHEBA, and three of them are still ongoing. Behind these projects, there are a number of organisations, which have long expertise in research and development on maritime environment.

Results of Clean Shipping Projects to Main Target Groups

CSHIPP aims to find synergies of these projects and synthesize the results for more efficient communication for the target groups. Main aims of CSHIPP are to increase the uptake of scientific information in policymaking, enhance cooperation of businesses and the maritime industry with research and academia, and cooperation between the platform partners. For the projects, which have already ended, CSHIPP offers a possibility to continue dissemination more efficiently on the results of these projects. The projects still ongoing have more extensive possibilities for dissemination on the project’s results and ongoing activities. Thus in a project platform, efficient and regular communication between the partners and projects is essential.

Research-to-Policy Clean Shipping Activities

Results of CSHIPP will provide knowledge and information as synthesis reports, policy briefs and best practice manuals. These results will focus on the environmental and health impacts of shipping for different emission scenarios, reporting on IMO regulation compliance control and enforcement on Baltic Sea Region, the analysis of knowledge gaps and stakeholder needs and best practices on clean shipping financing. CSHIPP will also draft policy recommendations for clean shipping. The aim of these activities is to establish a research-to-policy network for clean shipping oriented to regional, national and local authorities in the BSR.

Online Dissemination of the Clean Shipping Data

The website of CSHIPP is online with news and information on the events. CSHIPP aims to disseminate the results even more efficiently via two main new online channels, which are under development. Clean Shipping E-platform for wider audience will be a story map for wider public that can also be used by authorities or in teaching activities. The aim of the story map is to promote clean shipping, and the importance of shipping in general. Another website will be targeted for scientists and authorities, with information on the effects of shipping on air and water quality with maps, scenarios and modeling methods. The overall aims of dissemination are to raise awareness, change attitudes, and increase knowledge on clean shipping. In developing the most effective ways of dissemination of the information, the experiences of the participating projects are being used.

Business Potential in New Clean Shipping Technology

CSHIPP also aims to support industry-research cooperation in future projects by providing best practice guidance and a comprehensive look into new green technologies in maritime industry. While the reduction of emissions is required in the maritime environmental legislation, there is business potential in the field of clean shipping. A state of play of current technologies used in the shipping sector will be gathered. We will focus on clean shipping financing, with information on different funding sources and types. The aim is to build a research-to-business network and provide information for business stakeholders and research organisations.

CSHIPP Platform Influences on policymaking

The most recent event of CSHIPP was organized in Gothenburg in the context of the second Shipping & the Environment – From Regional to Global Perspectives conference. In Science to Policy workshop, three topical issues in the field of clean shipping were discussed: scrubber water, biofouling and shore power development.  The day continued with a Symposium of Scenarios and Policy Options for Sustainable Shipping. More events will follow, providing opportunities to enhance networking around the Baltic Sea Region. We also aim to find ways to continue the collaboration in terms of clean shipping.

Main facts about CSHIPP

Project consortium: 14 Project partners from 7 countries (Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Russia), 13 associated partners. Coordinated by the University of Turku.

Project time: 10/2018 – 09/2020

Total budget: 1.08 million €, financed by the BSR Interreg, Priority Area Sustainable Transport

Email: riitta.pontynen@utu.fi

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