Sustainable tourism in archipelagos

Hanna-Mari Kuhmonen,
Senior Specialist,
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland,

Tourism promotes a balanced regional structure and has a positive impact on regional development and economy. The role of tourism is emphasised locally, especially in connection with tourism centres located in rural and archipelago areas. The importance of tourism is increased by the sector’s location-specific nature; most tourism jobs and locally performed development work cannot be relocated to other countries or localities. Tourism will remain labour-intensive also when the use of technology and service accessibility increase.

Nowadays the objective of sustainable tourism is widely recognized. Sustainable tourism is the objective, while responsibility is the mode of operation for achieving sustainability. Responsibility is a common interest for both the tourism sector and tourists. Tourism needs to be developed through responsible choices that ensure sustainable growth and steer the industry towards minimising the negative impacts of tourism.

Sustainable tourism takes full account of its current and future economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of tourists, enterprises, the environment and host communities. Considering sustainability increases the profitability and qualitative growth of the sector and the positive impact of the sector on society.

Archipelagos are vulnerable environments where all aspects of sustainable tourism need to be considered carefully. Both environmental and socio-cultural aspects are significant. These include activities that do not damage the destination’s societal structures, promoting the development of the host society based on its own values and needs, conserving and strengthening culture and cultural heritage, and taking responsibility for the enterprise’s own personnel. Economic aspects are also important, including sourcing services locally, employing host populations, developing infrastructure, cash flows remaining in the destination, and operating lawfully and responsibly.

Improving the sustainability of tourism is a key issue for the societal acceptability and future of the sector. Tourism actors must invest in the development of sustainable and responsible tourism. The requirement to develop sustainable tourism has an emphasis on a low-carbon and resource-efficient global economy, for example in terms of food production, water consumption and waste minimisation. It also generates pressure to reduce tourism and transportation emissions and to take into account the wellbeing of host residents.

Sustainable tourism in archipelagos requires cooperation at different levels. The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region connects eight EU member states and four neighboring countries around the Baltic Sea. It has three main objectives: save the sea, connect the region and increase prosperity. According to the strategy’s action plan, policy area of tourism provides “a strong platform to reinforce sustainable tourism development in the Baltic Sea Region.

At a national level, Visit Finland has a cooperation model for greater tourism regions. Coast and archipelago is one of the four tourism regions. Its attractions include nature, sea, archipelago, calmness and cleanness. Common objectives in the region are sustainable tourism, more even and longer tourism seasons, as well as fostering cooperation. The cooperation model makes it possible to create more coherent messages, increase overall investment, strengthen the supply of tourism services and products and create attractive sub-brands to the region.

Finland´s Tourism Strategy 2019–2028 defines targets for the development of tourism. One of the main themes of the strategy is “Turning sustainability into a competitive asset for Finland’s tourism”. A key measure in increasing the sustainability of the Finnish tourism industry is the introduction of the Sustainable Travel Finland label created by Visit Finland. The label encourages tourism enterprises and areas to take environmental, cultural, social and economic sustainability into account in their own activities, product development and marketing. Sustainable choices should be profitable for enterprises from the business perspective. Responsible practices can also attract new employees: a company that shares the same sustainable values as its employees is an attractive employer.

The transition towards sustainable tourism industry is a long and challenging process. It requires commitment of different actors at all levels and is not possible to achieve without cooperation. Archipelagos are unique and vulnerable environments, so sustainable tourism from environmental, cultural, social and economic perspective is essential for the future.

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