Counter-Narratives of Cancer: Shaping Narrative Agency
In the project Counter-Narratives of Cancer, we examine culturally mediated ways of narrativizing cancer and counter-narratives that challenge dominant narrative practices. We analyze literary fiction, life-writing, media texts, and texts produced in bibliotherapeutic groups and narrative agency workshops. The project enhances narrative awareness and participates in creating more capacious cancer imaginaries that open up new possibilities of agency.

Symposium: Insecurity and Uncertainty in Literature and Arts
8 November 2024, 9.30-18.30, PUBLICUM 209, University of Turku In our modern times, insecurity and uncertainty are prevalent in various...

A new podcast: Cancer Sisters (in Finnish)
The researchers of our Counter-Narratives of Cancer project, Astrid Swan and Hanna Meretoja, have started a new podcast! The podcast...

Symposium 8.3.2024 Humanistinen terveyden ja sairauden tutkimus
SELMA & Kulttuurin ja terveyden tutkimusyksikkö SYMPOSIUM: Humanistinen terveyden ja sairauden tutkimus: lähestymistapoja, menetelmiä, käsitteitä 8.3.2024, 13-16, Arc229 ja Zoom...