Dr. Elvira Kaneberg & Assoc. Prof. Leif-Magnus Jensen: The impact of COVID19 on global supply chains and Critical Infrastructures – the case of Sweden

Assistant Prof. Elvira Kaneberg & Assoc. Prof. Leif-Magnus Jensen,  Jönköping University

The impact of COVID19 on global supply chains and Critical Infrastructures: the case of Sweden

Critical Infrastructures are challenged by the current COVID19 pandemic, which poses the question of how to achieve better preparedness. The Swedish response to the crisis has received considerable attention. In this 7-slide presentation, Kaneberg and Jensen discuss the Critical Infrastructures of the Swedish system.

Download the presentation here.


Assistant Prof. Elvira Kaneberg

Elvira Kaneberg is Assistant Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the Business Administration Department of the International Business School at Jönköping University.

Kaneberg’s research interests include humanitarian logistics with focus on the emergency management in which critical infrastructures are linked through supply chains. This focus relates to the civil society actor’s coordination, along with civil society readiness to meet changed demands.

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Assoc. Prof. Leif-Magnus Jensen

Leif-Magnus Jensen is Associate Professor of Logistics at the Department of Supply Chain and Operations Management at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University.

Jensen’s research interests include distribution systems with focus on intermediaries and LSPs, humanitarian logistics with particular focus on coordination, as well as reshoring.

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