
Our lab has the main educational responsibility in two Master’s degree programme major subjects, of which one has a double degree option within the EIT Digital Master School. We also teach several courses in our undergraduate program and collaborate with foreign institutions in implementing educational partnership degree programs.

We are a leading Finnish university in cyber security engineering education at the Master’s level. We have delivered Master’s degrees in cyber security engineering since 2010 and the degree programme was inaugurated with initial full funding from the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation, highlighting the importance of cyber security engineering education to the private sector and the society.

Our annual output is about 30-40 M.Sc.(Tech.) degrees (120 ECTS) and we are the only university in Finland approved to the EIT Digital Master School Cyber Security double degree programme with other leading European universities in the Field. Along with our partners, we also became a partner in the EU project called SPECTRO to deliver advanced digital skills in cyber security and robotics in the form of specialized Master’s programmes and self-standing modules. SPECTRO is funded under the Digital Europe Programme.

All our Master’s degrees give eligibility to PhD research.

Our Master’s degree education in cyber security is included in the EU ENISA CyberHEAD database of European higher education programs in cyber security.

Master’s level

  • Cyber ​​Security: the major subject focuses on cyber security technologies developed for networked systems and applications of the communication-intensive future. The technological topics covered in the major subject include system and network security, security of Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems and applications, ethical hacking (penetration testing) and designing secure systems. The major subject is offered in the Master’s degree programme in ICT (MDP ICT) and the studies lead to the degree of Master of Science in Technology, M.Sc. (Tech.).
  • EIT Digital Master School Cyber ​​Security – SPECTRO, Security Technologies and Intelligence: this is a double degree implementation of the UTU Cyber ​​Security major in the EIT Digital Master School and the SPECTRO project. The EIT Digital Master School is a two-year Master’s program jointly run by 16 top European universities, renowned researchers, and leading businesses. The program leads to a double degree and an EIT labeled Certificate. The Cyber ​​Security major subject of MDP ICT (first bullet above) acts as both an entry site and an exit site for the EIT Digital Master School. The students start their cyber security studies in one of the universities offering the entry year studies and move to another university in another country for the exit (specialization) year. In the field of cyber security, the cyber security major subject at UTU is the only degree program in Finland to participate in the EIT Digital Master School. The course-level specifics can be found here. The program leads to the degree of Master of Science in Technology, M.Sc. (Tech.) at the University of Turku, and a Master’s degree in one of the partner universities (double degree).
  • Cyber ​​Security Engineering (Kyberturvallisuusteknologia): this major is officially taught in Finnish, although in most courses, the teaching language is English. The curriculum’s course-level implementation is more or less equal to the major tracks that are officially taught in English. The studies lead to the degree of Master of Science in Technology, M.Sc. (Tech.).

Our students can reach us for their Master’s thesis planning at For study plan discussion and advice, please contact

Bachelor’s level

At the Bachelor’s level, we deliver lecture courses on Computer Network Technology, Cyber Security Engineering and Digital Communication Technology. The courses are Mostly in Finnish, and they are part of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Information and Communication Technology.

Partnership Degree Programs

The partnership degree programs are carried out together with international partner Universities. The mode of study, including the city and county and the language of instruction, varies from one program to another. The applications and Admissions processes are carried out in the partnership university. We have a coordinating role at the University of Turku in the following international educational Collaboration programs:

For further information contact: Dr. Seppo Virtanen, Professor and Head of Cyber Security Engineering Unit (Email: