Campus Area & Lunch Places

The Venue

The conference lecture halls can be found on Wednesday and Thursday in Publicum building (Assistentinkatu 7), and on Friday, the nearby Arcanum building.

Here’s the map:


Places for lunch

We have reserved a cabinet from the nearby Macciavelli for participants to Dynamis Conference for convenience. (You can find the cabinet at the back of the restaurant.)

In case you wish to try some other nearby places, you are of course welcome to do so! Here are some options you can find at reasonable walking distance from the venue. You can check the menus from the restaurant websites, linked to their names.

[1] Macciavelli: Unica student restaurant, vegetarian & vegan food available with student prices.  A private cabinet reserved for those attending to the seminar.

[2] Assarin Ullakko: Unica student restaurant, vegetarian & vegan food available with student prices.

[3] Aurum: Åbo Akademi student restaurant, vegetarian & vegan food available with student prices.

[4] Arken: Åbo Akademi student restaurant, vegetarian & vegan food available with student prices.

[5] Fabbes Café: a cozy cafe & lunch place, vegetarian & vegan options, excellent cakes & pasteries.

[6] Aura Yangtze (link to Facebook): Chinese restaurant by the Aura river.

[7] Caribia Spa Hotel: Lunch buffet 11-13, Hesburger. (More restaurants in the evenings.)

[8] Hämeenkatu: from Hämeenkatu (or nearby it) you can find several restaurants, for example VG Wok (Thai/Vietnamese vegetarian food at reasonable prices), Kuori (famous vegetarian restaurant), Delhi Darbar (the best Indian restaurant in Turku, according to some), Afrodite (a Greek taverna), Yangtze (Chinese restaurant), Pawon Lawu (Indonesian restaurant), Kembuz Café (link to Facebook), Pronto (kebab & pizza; link to Foodora), and of course Akateeminen Hese (Hesburger).


For those arriving by car, please find infor and a map of parking areas here. Please notice that due to a construction site, Assistentinkatu guest parking is very limited.