Research Team

The ECOCRIN project is implemented in multidisciplinary collaboration of three research teams and departments at the University of Turku (UTU)

We investigate new ideas for systemic policy innovation that combines cultural and innovation policies with the bottom-up needs of creative ecosystems in Finland. This is needed to identify novel cultural and innovation policy visions and actions which enable and support sustainable growth and innovation.

The Management and Entrepreneurship team (Entre)

Entre has longstanding experience on policy relevant research focusing on entrepreneurship, innovation and work as well as on ecosystems and networks. PI, Professor Jarna Heinonen, the Head of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, has over 25 years of expertise from policy-oriented and academic research in entrepreneurship, particularly in small and family businesses and the blurring boundaries between waged work and entrepreneurship.

More importantly, during the last 5 years the Entre team has studied creative economies particularly from the perspectives of business and innovation in the H2020 research project Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Creative Economies ( The Entre team has many-sided and complementary methodological expertise (both qualitative and quantitative approaches) for generating knowledge on the creative ecosystems and their bottom-up needs and related policies.

Senior Research Fellow, Dr. Kaisa Hytönen

Adjunct Prof., Senior Research Fellow Pekka Stenholm

Senior Research Fellow Dr. Tommi Pukkinen

The Pori Campus Team

The team works closely with Adj. Prof. Arja Lemmetyinen (Pori Campus) which feeds in with expertise in network management, value co-creation in networks, place branding and destination, and brand management. Furthermore, she has wide experience in studying creative ecosystem, most importantly in Pori region to which it is also well connected with extensive regional, national and international networks The Pori Campus team worked closely with the Entre team in the DISCE research project.

The Finland Futures Research Centre team (FFRC)

The team has internationally recognised expertise in the latest theoretical thinking and participatory methods in futures research. Recently, the FFRC team has developed new tools to promote cultural sustainability transformation across society. The FFRC team, with its extensive, international network, has deep experience in cultural policy and media research as well as profound understanding of the interface between heritage/cultural policy and communities.

Adjunct Prof., University Lecturer Katriina Siivonen

Adjunct Prof., Senior Research Fellow Pauliina Latvala-Harvilahti

Project Researcher Amos Taylor

The Steering Committee

The Steering Committee monitors the progress and achievements of the ECOCRIN project. The committee meets on regular basis: at the beginning (Fall 2023) and end (fall 2025) of the project as well as three times in between.

In addition to the Steering Committee meetings, the members are invited to participate to an online Focus Group and Roundtable discussion during the project as presented in the WPs.

The Steering Committee consists of the national key stakeholders of the project:

  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment: Ministerial Adviser Petra Tarjanne
  • Creative Finland: Chief Networking Officer Anu-Katriina Perttunen
  • Cupore: Director Marjo Mäenpää
  • Tapahtumateollisuus ry: CEO Sami Kerman
  • Arts Promotion Centre Finland TAIKE: Special Advisor Antti Huntus (varajäsen Sofia Kakko)
  • Creve/Humak: Specialist Leena Janhila
  • ECOCRIN PI, Prof. Jarna Heinonen, Senior Research Fellow Kaisa Hytönen, Adjunct Prof. Katriina Siivonen, Adjunct Prof. Pauliina Latvala-Harvilahti

Although not as official members of the Steering Committee, meetings are also attended by Senior Advisor Teppo Tuomikoski, Senior Advisor Maarit Lahtonen and Senior Advisor Ari Mikkelä from Business Finland

Regional networks include:

Academic Advisory Board

Professor Roberta Comunian King’s College London, Department for Culture, Media and Creative Industries, UK

Professor Erik Stam Utrecht University, School of Economics, Netherlands

Professor Arnis Sauka Stockholm School of Economics, Centre for Sustainable Business, Riga, Latvia

Dr. Nancy Duxbury University of Coimbra, Centre for Social Studies, CES, Portugal

Assistant Professor Anita Vaivade The Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga, Latvia