
Suvi Jokila is the co-leader of the International students in times of crisis –research project. She is interested in the processes of internationalisation, commercialisation and privatisation especially from the perspectives of educational justice and policy-making. Currently she is a postdoctoral researcher in Privatisation and access to higher education (PAHE) -research project studying the construction of education choice in social space. She defended her doctoral dissertation at the University of Turku on national interests in the internationalisation policies in higher education.

Kalypso Filippoun kasvokuva

Kalypso Filippou is the co-leader of the International Students in Times of Crisis -research project. Filippou defended her doctoral dissertation in 2019 at the University of Turku, where she examined the master’s thesis supervision process and relationship in English-medium programmes. Her research interests include higher education, internationalisation, mobilities, and post-graduate supervision. In the last year she has been studying migrant academics experiences, the production of inequalities and inclusive practices in higher education.

Xingguo Zhou kasvokuva

Xingguo Zhou holds a doctoral degree in Educational Science from the University of Turku, Finland. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Education Institution, Tsinghua University and the Degree and Postgraduate Education Development Centre of the Ministry of Education, China. Her general academic interest is on the politics of education. Her doctoral dissertation exanimated the transformation of quality assurance and evaluation politics in Chinese basic education and her current research interest is the problematization of the state’s disciplinary evaluation and ranking of Chinese universities.

Magdalena Czarnecka is working on her Master’s thesis in the project.

Ella Sirva completed her Master’s thesis within the project.

Fanny-Sofia Tarkio is writing her Master’s thesis in the project.

Anna Jolkkonen was an intern in the project.

Sanaz Golbazi was a research assistant in the project.

Irene Pampallis was a research assistant in the project.

Aslihan Özgül is an intern in the project.

After spending my autumn semester 2020 at the University of Turku and falling in love with Finland, I decided to move to Turku and continue my academic career in Finland. The first step is my research internship within the project “International students in times of crisis” from September 2021 until March 2022. Currently I am in the end phase of my Bachelor’s studies in Educational Science at the University of Regensburg. The ERASMUS+ program provided financial support and enabled me to realize my internship at the University of Turku. As intern, I contribute to the project by transcribing interviews, coordinating social media and writing articles. Furthermore, I get an insight into empirical research as in the project conduction, implementation and finally yet importantly publishing process.