Roundtable Discussion, 27.9.2018, Brussels, Belgium

“From Physics to Policy: Overcoming Misperceptions in Energy Policy”

Thursday 27 September 2018, 9:00–13:00

Venue: Turku-Southwest Finland European Office, Avenue Palmerston 26, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

The EU Horizon 2020 project EUFORIE (European Futures for Energy Efficiency) invited participants to a half-day roundtable discussion in Brussels under a title: “From Physics to Policy: Overcoming Misperceptions in Energy Policy”. The agenda included inspiring and slightly provocative presentations based on results from the EUFORIE project, which are available as policy briefs in the EUFORIE website before the roundtable. The roundtable participants were expected to comment the results from their own perspectives in the light of future energy policy in the EU and the Member States. Participants from policy/administration, academia, industry, and citizens/NGOs were invited to join the seminar.


9:00 Opening and introduction of participants

9:15 From energy efficiency to energy performance: The end-use matrix
Mario Giampietro, Autonomous University of Barcelona

10:00 Towards an online energy performance calculator, in support to policy scenarios
Sergio Ulgiati, Parthenope University of Naples

10:45 Break and refreshments

11:00 Policy options supporting efficiency and sufficiency in household energy consumption
Joachim Spangenberg, SERI Germany

11:45 A Flexible indicator for energy, material and environmental performance
Jarmo Vehmas, University of Turku

12:30 Conclusions and follow-up

13:00 Lunch


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