Visitor programme

​To support long term visits as a way to promote the scientific interaction of FINCA with research institutions worldwide and to enhance its role as a national astronomical centre, FINCA shall continue its combined visitor and mobility programme with the following aims:

FINCA visitor program

a) to invite researchers with a PhD degree from abroad to visit Finland. The work place of the visitors can be any of the participating universities of FINCA, with mobility between the universities encouraged. Visitors to FINCA must pursue a collaborative research program related to one of FINCA’s main research themes, and if applicable, to teach an intensive lecture course.

FINCA mobility program

b) to allow staff at FINCA and at the participating universities of FINCA to visit top-level institutes abroad. Such visits include, but are not restricted to, visits to ESO HQ in Garching, Germany.
c) to increase national mobility by supporting visits of staff members between the
participating universities of FINCA.

Applications for inviting a visitor or participating in the mobility program are solicited from all the research staff at the participating universities of FINCA.

The requirements for the FINCA Visitor program are

  1.  Visitors will spend between one week and one month at FINCA. Longer visits are possible, but must be funded from other sources after the first month.
  2.  Visitors must work with one or more scientist(s) at participating universities of FINCA. The planned research during the visit must have a connection to ESO.
  3. Visitors must give at least one colloquium at a participating university of FINCA, and are strongly encouraged to give colloquia at other participating universities.
  4. Visitors will not be paid salary during their visit, but they will be reimbursed for round-trip economy travel and reasonable living expenses. The latter is in the form of accommodation in an economic hotel. Note that according to University of Turku travel regulations, Finnish daily allowance (currently 51 € per diem) can only be paid to UTU staff. Likewise, travel reimbursement is non-taxable only for UTU staff

The requirements for the FINCA Mobility program are

  1. Visitors will spend between one week and one month at an institute abroad or at another participating university of FINCA (hereafter, ”host institute”). Longer visits are possible, but must be funded from other sources after the first month.
  2. Visitors must work with one or more scientist(s) at the host institute. The planned research during the visit must have a connection to ESO.
  3. Visitors must give at least one colloquium at the host institute.
  4. Visitors will be reimbursed for round-trip economy travel and reasonable living expenses. The latter is in the form of economic accommodation. Note that according to University of Turku travel regulations, daily allowance of the country of destination ( can only be paid to UTU staff. Likewise, travel reimbursement is non-taxable only for UTU staff. Finally, note that the daily allowance is reduced by 50 percent on trips that last more than one month, for the whole duration of the trip.

The application process is as follows

Applications in English must include: (i) the visitor’s curriculum vitae and list of publications; (ii) a statement of the purpose and period of the visit, the research, teaching and other activities to be undertaken during the visit, and the resulting benefit to FINCA; (iii) a supporting statement by the scientist acting as the host of the visit; and (iv) a budget estimate (travel, accommodation, per diem, other costs) of the requested funding and if applicable, supporting funding from other sources.

Especially, if applicable, the applications must contain a clear justification for

a) the length of the visit (for long visits);
b) the need for multiple visits over the same period;
c) the need for both visiting a colleague and inviting him/her for a visit during the same period;
d) repeated visits to the same institute/host over multiple periods.

The funding is dependent on the coronavirus situation, therefore, in planning your application, it is necessary to adhere to your university’s updated travel instructions and restrictions regarding the coronavirus situation:

There are two annual deadlines: 15 March for visits in the period May – October, and 15 September for visits in the period November – April.

Applications will be assessed by the FINCA Board. The available funding will be allocated based on (i) the benefit to FINCA research program and status, (ii) the research record of the applicant, and (iii) the significance of the proposed research, teaching and other activities.

The scientist hosting the visit in the Visitor program (a) above, or the participant in the Mobility program (b) and (c) above, is requested to provide a report to the FINCA Board detailing the outcome of the visit and the benefit to FINCA within one month of the completion of the visit.

Applications must be emailed to the FINCA Vice Director at
In total, 60 k€ and 30 k€ are available annually for the visitor and mobility program, respectively.

For reimbursement of expenses after the visit, please use the enclosed invoice for travel expenses. If you are NOT FINCA staff, fill in also the enclosed invoice for fee payment. Finally, fill in also the enclosed personal identification form, if you are a first time user of this programme. Return scanned and signed copies of the forms, together with all receipts, boarding passes etc., by e-mail to the human resources secretary Sirpa Kelosto, sirpa.kelosto AT , with a copy to the FINCA director.

In all publications and communications resulting from the visit, the following acknowledgement should be included: “N.N. acknowledges the financial support from the visitor and mobility program of the Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO (FINCA), funded by the Academy of Finland grant nr 306531.”

For more information, contact the vice director of FINCA, Kari Nilsson, e-mail:

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