Digital Poster

FINDOS Symposium digital poster session will be organized as “Read by title” presentations. All National FINDOS doctoral researchers and other researchers and research groups are invited to send their digital posters in PowerPoint presentation form that could be presented as a “read by title” presentation. The presentation will be viewable as a PowerPoint presentation on the spot on-screen during the breaks on Thursday May 23. The presentations are running automatically on the screens but it is recommended that the researcher(s) could be at the place for questions and discussions with others at 10.30-11.00 and 15.00-15.30.

Please register as a poster presenter at the same time you register for the symposium here.


1)  The presentation should not include more than 3 slides.

2)  The opening slide should display a straightforward title, name of the researcher and collaborators, affiliations with preferably an illustrative image. The objective, materials, and methods, results and conclusions should not exceed more than 250 words, and they should be presented in maximum of 2 slides.

3)  Clinical patient cases can also be presented.

Submission of Posters (ppt) by 16 May 2024 to Coordinator Sanni Helander