At the national level, FinnGen operates as a network where researchers from each Finnish partner are supported locally as part of a research project. The FinnGen support project of the University of Turku maintains the research network of the Southwest Finland district by organising training and providing consultation and analysis support to all clinicians and researchers interested in FinnGen. Please contact FinnGen Support for more information.


The FinnGen support project of the University of Turku provides advice, analysis support and training for all clinicians and researchers in the Southwest Finland district related to the FinnGen project. The research project is based on exceptionally extensive and open cooperation that brings together the University of Turku, the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland, Auria Biobank, and Turku University Hospital. FinnGen’s entire dataset is securely available to all researchers in all these partner organisations.

You can contact us using the contact form at the end of the page or by sending an email to: We will respond to all contacts within a few business days.


Aleksi Kristian Winstén Support Coordinator

University of Turku

Teemu Niiranen Responsible manager

University of Turku



FinnGen is committed to making the project’s results freely available for the research community to utilize. The results can be accessed on dedicated websites created for this purpose. Additionally, the tools and other materials developed during the research are freely available on FinnGen’s GitHub site. For example, FinnGen’s LongitudinalDummyDataGenerator is an R package that can simulate the FinnGen dataset, ensuring that the properties of the simulated data are statistically the same as the original dataset.

Summary Results of Genetic Data

Summary Results of Health Data

FinnGen Longitudinal DummyDataGenerator

FinnGen GitHub Site

FinnGen handbook

FinnGen data visualization tools

MMP (Multiple Manhattan Plot)

Endpoint Browser


React app (Network explorer)

LD Browser

Kanta-lab summary statistics

Following tools require login with the FinnGen account, which can be asked from:

Variant annotation tool

FinnGen portal

CustomGWAS results

Green library

UKBB metaresults

Sex differences GWAS

Codings Browser



Training material

FinnGen user account

You can apply for access rights to FinnGen data if you have an affiliation with the University of Turku, the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland, or Auria Biobank. Access rights are applied for directly from FinnGen and the application form can be obtained from the Support Coordinator or by contacting the FinnGen support using the contact form or by sending an e-mail to


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