Master Thesis

Master thesis/Medical Licentiate Thesis

Medical licentiate thesis of Kaius Kaartinen, “AR-geenin CAG- ja GGN-mikrosatelliitit eturauhassyövän riskitekijöinä”, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tampere, 1999.

Master Thesis of Annika Rökman, “DNA sequence copy number changes in hereditary prostate cancer by comparative genomic hybridization”, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Turku, 1999.

Medical licentiate thesis of Sanna Pakkanen, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tampere, 2005.

Master Thesis of Mia Rajala, “Perinnöllinen eturauhassyöpä  Suomessa;  3p25-p26 kandidaattigeenien seulonta / Hereditary prostate cancer in Finland; screening candidate genes at loci 3p25-p26”, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyväskylä, 2006.

Master Thesis of Niina Tero, “Mitokondriaaliset haploryhmät eturauhassyövässä Suomessa / Mitochondrial haplogroups in prostate cancer in Finland”, Institute of Medical Technology, University of Tampere, 2008.

Master Thesis of Na Ha, “Genome wide scan for prostate cancer susceptibility genes”, Institute of Medical Technology, University of Tampere, International Master’s Program in Bioinformatics, 2008.
Master Thesis of Riikka Nurminen, “Characterization of the gene EMSY in Finnish prostate cancer patients”, Institute of Biology, Department of Physiology and Genetics, University of Turku, 2009.
Master Thesis of Eliisa Oja, “Kromosomialueen 8q24 merkitys eturauhassyöpäalttiuteen Suomessa”, University of Oulu, 2010.

Master Thesis of Mimmi Patrikainen, “HNF1B-geenin karakterisointi suomalaisissa eturauhassyöpä-perheissä”, Institute of Medical Technology, University of Tampere, 2010.

Master Thesis of Aleksandra Bebel, “High Resolution Melt Analysis of breast cancer predisposition gene CHEK2 in high-risk Finnish families”, University of Glaskow, 2010.

Master Thesis of Tommi Rantapero, “Applying bioinformatics in the analysis of next-generation sequencing data”, International Master’s Program in Bioinformatics, Institute of Biomedical Technology, University of Tampere, 2012.

Master Thesis of Akinrinade Oyeridan Olulana, “Genome-Wide Comparison of Copy Number Variations in Finnish Familial Prostate and Breast Cancers”, International Master’s Program in Bioinformatics, Institute of Biomedical Technology, University of Tampere, 2012.

Master Thesis of Elisa Pellinen, “Validation of susceptibility locus 2q37.3 mutations in prostate cancer”, Institute of Biomedical Technology, University of Tampere, 2012.

Master Thesis of Noora Laukkanen, “Autosomaalinen resessiivinen polykystinen munuaistauti. Suomalaisten potilaiden mutaatioiden tarkastelu”, Department of Biology (Physiology and Genetics), University of Turku, 2013.

Medical Licentiate thesis Aune Aho, “RAD50:n merkitys perinnöllisessä rintasyöpäalttiudessa”, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tampere, 2013.

Master Thesis of Laura Grönfors, “X-kromosomin eksomisekvensointi kehitysvammaisuuden diagnostiikassa”, Department of Biology (Physiology and Genetics), University of Turku, 2014.

Master Thesis of Saana Mönkäre, “C9ORF72-toistojaksolaajentuma suomalaisilla ALS-potilailla ja diagnostisen geenitestin kehittäminen mutaation tunnistamiseksi”, Department of Biology (Physiology and Genetics), University of Turku, 2015.

Master Thesis of Kreetta Paunu, “Seuraavan sukupolven sekvensointi Duchennen- ja Beckerin lihasdystrofioiden kliinisessä diagnostiikassa”, Department of Biology (Physiology and Genetics), University of Turku, 2016.

Master Thesis of Anna Lindström, “Perinnölliselle rintasyövälle altistavat DDR-reitin geenivariantit BRCA1/2-negatiivisissa potilaissa / DNA Damage Response pathway genes in BRCA1/2 negative Finnish HBOC-patients”, Department of Biology (Physiology and Genetics), University of Turku, 2016.

Master Thesis of Amanda Tursi, “Whole genome sequencing of patients with undiagnosed, suspected rare genetic disorders”, Department of Future Technologies, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Turku, 2019.

Master Thesis of Niina Smolander, “Comparison of three molecular genetic methods for determining the human SMN2 gene copy number”, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Turku, 2019.

Master Thesis of Aliisa Takala, “Eturauhaselle ominainen ANO7-proteiini ja siihen liittyvät proteiinit eturauhassyövässä”, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Turku, 2020.

Master Thesis of Mohammed Ennejmy, “Analysis of the differential Alternative splicing at the isoform level for ANO7 gene and Genome-wide by making use of alternative splicing tools Cufflinks, Miso, and rMats”, Department of Future Technologies, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Turku, 2020.

Master Thesis of Anni Kauppinen, “ANO7-geenin transkriptioprofiili eturauhassyöpäsoluissa”, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Turku, 2020.

Master Thesis of Niko Hautanen, “Funktionaalisesti tuntemattomien BRCA1- ja BRCA2-varianttien tarkastelu in silico -menetelmillä ja ANO7-varianttien alleelisen epätasapainon tutkiminen droplet digital PCR -menetelmällä”, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Turku, 2020.

Master Thesis of Laura Laihonen, “Generation of HOXB13G84E cellular models with prime editing”, Department of Life Technologies, Faculty of Science, University of Turku, 2021.

Medical Licentiate Thesis of Viivi Laitinen, “Tuorekudosnäytteiden NGS-tutkimuksen validointi BRCA1- ja BRCA2-geenien kliiniseen diagnostiikkaan”, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku, 2021.

Master Thesis of Nea Tulonen, “Assessing the effects of ANO7 mutations on mRNA splicing using a minigene splicing assay”, Department of Biology (Physiology and Genetics), Faculty of Science, University of Turku, 2021.

Master Thesis of Janina Karttunen, “HOXB13-poistogeenisten eturauhassyöpäsolumallien luominen CRISPR-Cas9-menetelmällä / Generation of HOXB13 knockout cellular prostate cancer models with CRISPRcas9”, Department of Biology (Physiology and Genetics), Faculty of Science, University of Turku, 2022.

Master Thesis of Laura Nikku, “Comparison of prime editing and base editing for generating the novel WRNR732P mutation in breast cancer cells”, Department of Life Technologies, Faculty of Science, University of Turku, 2023.

Master Thesis of Jenni Panula, “Farmakogeneettinen testaus ja sen hyödyntäminen Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa / Pharmacogenetic testing and its utilization at Turku University Hospital”, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, 2023.

Master Thesis of Ville Raappana, “DigitalMLPA:n käytön validointi kliinisessä työssä perinnöllisten syöpien tunnistuksessa / Validation of the use of digitalMLPA in a clinical setting to identify hereditary cancers”, Department of Biology (Physiology and Genetics), University of Turku, 2023.

Master Thesis of Tuuli Levänen, Whole-genome sequencing in a Finnish high-risk prostate cancer family to identify a novel cancer predisposition gene. Institute of Biomedicine, MDP in Biomedical Sciences, Drug Discovery and Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku, 2024.

Master Thesis of Anni Orava, Perinnöllisen eturauhassyövän syöpäalttiusgeenien kartoittaminen suomalaisilta korkean riskin suvuilta / The mapping of cancer predisposition genes for hereditary prostate cancer in Finnish high-risk families. Department of Biology (Physiology and Genetics), Faculty of Science, University of Turku, 2024.